Chapter three

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Author's note: Sakura's gown shown above. Just add pears in the upper portion of the gown to your imagination🌼

Sakura's POV

As soon as we arrived in the mall Sasori and I walkee towards the most famous salon in the mall. "Hello Mr. Sasori." A guy with pearly white eyes said. His lips where tinted in red and his eyelashes curled. You could mistake him as a girl! "Hello to you too Ms. Sakura! It's finally a pleasure to meet you! I'm Ne-" but before he could finish his sentence a hairbrush flew and hit him right in the head. "Bulls eye!" Shouted the girl whose brown hair was tied up in buns. "Umm..." Sasori said unsure of what was happening. The girl happily skipped her way towards us stepping at her co-worker. "Hi! I'm Tenten and I'll be the one who is in-charge of you today and this-" she said pointing down at the person she's stepping. "Is Neji. He'll be assisting me too." She said cheerfully. I suddenly feel bad for Neji.

"I'll leave her in your care Tenten." Sasori said and bowed at Tenten. "Of course Mr. Sasori, it'll be my greatest pleasure." She said bowing in return. "This way please." Tenten said to me as she walked towards the VIP room dragging a unconscious Neji behind her. "I'll call you after. Thank you for this." I said turning to Sasori. "It's the least thing I can do sweetheart. Now go and enjoy yourself. I'll be expecting your call." He said leaving a kiss on my forehead before walking off.

I touched the spot where he just left a kiss and sighed. If only it were to be Sasori.. I thought sadly. I walked towards the VIP section where Tenten and Neji are waiting for me. "Ready?" She asked happily. "As I'll ever be." I said nervously.

From head to foot it was done beautifully. My hair was tied up in a artfully messy bun, the make-up was light bringing my eyes to life, my lips where tainted red, my nails where painted in pastel pink and so does my toes. I could hardly recognize myself. Neji and Tenten really did made an excellent job. "You look drop dead gorgeous Cherry!" Neji said out loud.

I turned to Tenten and looked at her with a questioning look. "True." She smiled. She motioned Neji outside and he did, a few minutes after he returned with a very elegant evening gown. "What-"

"It took hours for everything and I noticed we're running out of time so I decided to get the things for us." Sasori said popping out of no where. "You look beautiful Sakura." He said cupping my face. I blushed at his words and gesture. There was an awkward silence but then a gay'ish cough filled the air breaking the silence. "Okay enough for the love love and let's get you dressed." Neji said clapping his hands together.

Tenten slapped the back of his head. "What do you mean let's? You mean I, Tenten should get her dressed! You're still have a dick for heavens sake!" Tenten said. She pushed the guys out of the room before locking it. "Sorry about that." She laughed nervously noticing my expression about the D word. "Let me help you get dressed." She smiled as she helped me wearing it.

After a few moments I turned to look at the gigantic mirror in front of me. The midnight halter top evening gown was absolutely gorgeous. It hugged my upper body and flows down hitting the floor with a slit on the side that ends at my legs. Pearls scattered on the top and my 4 inch white heels that sparkled with gems was amazing.

"Now for the final touch." Tenten said. She hooked a gold thin chained choker on my neck. A thin chain runs down that ends in between my collarbone. She turned to look at me and her jaw dropped. "If I were a guy I'd definetly take you out." She joked which caused me to chuckle. "Ready?" She asked unlocking the door. "As I'll ever be." I replied, and with that she opened the door in front of her.

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