Chapter three

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Sasori's POV

For the past two years it was nothing but crap. The moment I knew that I was about to be engaged with the daughter of the Haruno's I knew then that there was no turning back. I remember it so well how we first met on that day. Her eyes were dull and lifeless, it's like her soul was being sucked out of her.

I remember the time when our parents introduced us to each other and catched up with their talk about business.

"Well my son here will be the successor of the Konoha Corp." Dad said proudly while my mom smiled at the Haruno's. "My daughter is my successor too. It's such a nice opportunity to have such a fine young man as her husband. Don't you think Sakura?" Mr. Haruno said looking at Sakura. She nodded her head in agreement and flashed us a smile. "It'll be such an honor to have you as my daughter-in-law Sakura." My dad smiled at her. I could tell her parents and mine are blinded by that smile. In the middle of the discussion about the business Sakura suddenly excused herself. "Where are you going sweety?" Mrs. Haruno asked smiling at her daughter but her eyes says otherwise. "Excuse me but I need to go to the washroom." Sakura said smiling at everyone. "Very well." Her mom said and continued to talk with my parents. I kept on shifting on my seat finding a comfortable decision. "Something wrong Sasori?" My dad looked at me sternly. "No father. Everything is perfectly fine." I lied. A few moments after I saw Sakura walking back towards our table looking dull as ever. After a few an hour Mr. Haruno and my dad stood up shaking each others hands. "I'll see you soon." Mr. Haruno said. "It was a pleasure meeting you Sakura." My mom said smiling at Sakura. "The pleasure is mine." Sakura smiled back. As soon as we departed from each other dad quickly said that I will be moving in with Sakura the day after tomorrow so I should pack my things as soon as we get home. The dullness of her eyes left me with courage and that was the day that I promised that I'll do my best to make those eyes lively again.

"We should go get some groceries later." Sakura said closing the fridge. "We still have lots of food but sure, anything you wanna eat? I'll cook it for you." I said casually as I seated across her. "We're out of bread, strawberry jam, peanut butter and cherries." She said popping a bacon in her mouth. "Cherries?" I asked raising an eyebrow at her. "Yeah. The one in those jars." She said getting a grilled cheese sandwich and taking a bite. She must have noticed the weird look I'm giving her since smiled at me, that kind of smile that didn't reached her eyes.

"I've been craving for them." She said as she took another bite of the sandwich. I was starting to panic which Sakura laughed at this. "I'm not pregnant you doofus! We never slept together and I didn't let anyone touch me." Sakura said in between laughs. That caught me off guard. She's finally laughing. I silently thanked the heavens for this. "Great. Get ready after you finished eating, I'll wash the dishes since our parents won't probably be coming over. I think your period is about to come so better come in prepared." I said casually and finished my food. "No." Sakura said which caught me off guard.

"No what?" I asked. "You've been doing almost all of the work lately. It's my turn to at least help you with some of it and no I don't take no for an answer so as soon as your finished get ready." Sakura said. I was about to protest when she beat me to it. "I won't take no for an answer." Said she. I sighed in defeat and proceeded to walk towards my room. I decided to wear something comfortable so I took a plain white polo shirt and black shorts. I walked towards my private bathroom and took a shower.

After taking a shower I dried myself and wrapped my towel around my waist as soon as I stepped out I was faced to face with Sakura, her hand was up in the air probably she was about to knock. Shock and embarrassment written all over her face. "Yes?" I asked playfully. "I was... um... I.. where..." she was stammering which I find it cute. "Where what?" I asked a smirk plastered on my lips. She cleared her throat and looked at the other side. "I was about to ask where will we go after picking up some groceries." She said.

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