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Sasuke's POV

I've been pacing back and forth in front of the Altar when I felt a hand was placed on my shoulder. "Relax, she'll come." I turned to look at Sasori who smiled at me. "What if she'll back out at the last minute?" I asked nervously.

Sasori laughed at my statement and hit my head. "Idiot she even left me for you and now you're telling me she's leaving you? I might as well chase her back and marry her." He joked and it was my turn to hit his head. "Just trying to lighten up the mood." Sasori chuckled. "Well it's not helping." I glared at him.

"She'll come just you relax." Naruto, my best man said. "Yeah." Neji agreed. "Kushina was late during our wedding since she needed to have her face retouched. I literally cried all the tears I've been saving when she suddenly appeared in the entrance, and since I already cried every tear I have you know she literally walked back towards the main entrance just for me to cry upon seeing her?" Minato said laughing. He was my father figure for my wedding since I was the only one left. The song Runway by the Corrs was about to end.

Cause I am falling in love (falling in love) with you. No, never I'm never gonna stop falling in love with you... with you...

The church doors suddenly opened revealing my beautiful bride.

My heart dropped to my stomach as I began to sweat. Sakura was looking ever radiant. She was wearing a beautiful white gown and a long white veil was covering her face. Everyone was there to witness it.

Naruto, Hinata with their baby Boruto who was laughing in Kushina's arms, Ino was Sakura's maid of honor and Sai was there too and just everyone was there.

Kizashi and Mebuki stood beside their daughter as they slowly walked down the isle, Kizashi holding Sakura's hand as Mebuki was crying beside her. Sakura smiled at me.

Tears began to fall from my eyes. "Here." Naruto handed me a handkerchief which I took and wiped my tears with it.

Everyone was in tears as I am. They were happy.

I waited for Sakura in the middle of the isle as she was getting nearer. God, I'm never letting this girl go.

Kizashi handed me Sakura's hand as I took it. "I have a chainsaw in the car if ever you'll say I don't and I won't hesitate to chase you down with it." Kizashi said sternly. I chuckled. "Not a chance." I looked at Sakura who was laughing at her father's remark.

Kizashi held Mebuki's hand as they walk ahead of us and into their seats. "It's now or never." Sakura said smiling. "A late marriage is better than never." I said as I leaned in when a show was thrown into my head. I picked it up and read what was written on the sole.

Save that kiss for later!

I turned to look at the priest and my jaw dropped. "Itachi?!" I asked. "Huh?" Sakura asked and looked at the direction I was looking and her jaw dropped at well. Everyone looked at the priest as their jaw dropped. "ITACHI?!" Everyone said in unison.

"I know, how could a handsome guy like me end up being here. I find it hard to believe myself too." Itachi said through the microphone and sighed. Everyone laughed. "I'd become a nun for you!" Someone shouted from the crowd. "Maybe in the next lifetime if we'd meet I'll marry you." Itachi said shooting the girl a smile.

"Now come before I'll charge you." Itachi said turning towards us. Sakura and I laughed as we walked towards the altar.

"We are gathered here today to witness duckbutt and cherry Monster's wedding." With thay everyone laughed. I was known as a duckbutt due to my hairstyle and Sakura as a Cherry Monster due to her excessive Cherry eating.

"Guess his serious self died." Sakura said in between laughs "Yeah." I couldn't agree more.

"And if everyone had enough of their laughs-" Itachi said turning to Sakura and I. "You may say your wedding vows."

"I, Sasuke Uchiha. Take you, Sakura Haruno as mu lawfully wedded wife. I vow to love every bit of you, from your split ends till the sole of your feet. To show you a whole new world and to hold your hand in every step we take. To be your shoulder to cry on and to support you in everything you do. I vow to fully give myself to you and to never disappoint you."

"I, Sakura Haruno. Take you, Sasuke Uchiha as my lawfully wedded husband. In sickness and in health, through the thick and thin. Your cup will never be empty for I will be your wine. Your path will never be dark for I will be your candle light. I vow to be there for you at all cost and to be with you through it all even if it'll cost me my life. I will share I have with you and I vow to remind you that everyday is another day with you."

After our vows and rings being exchanged Itachi cleared his throat.

"If anyone would object their marriage please shut your mouth before God will come down from heaven and rip your tongue out of your mouth." Itachi once again made the audience laugh.

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." Itachi said a smile spread in his face. I turned towards Sakura as I lifted the veil off her face.

I cupped her face with my palms and smiled. "I love you." And with that Sakura and I kissed. Everyone clapped their hands as paparazzi took dozens of photos.

We pulled out from our kiss and stared at each others eyes lovingly.

"I love you Sasuke Uchiha." Sakura said as her eyes water with tears making me tear up as well. "I love you more Sakura Uchiha." And our lips met each other once again.

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