Chapter seven

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Sasori's POV

I watch as Sakura got out of the car before Kiba could open. I watched her retreating figure as she pressed the up button of the elevator, it opened with a ding sound and she stepped inside without looking back. I guess she's really not in the mood. I sighed.

"Tough night?" Kiba asked as he closed the door behind me. "Yeah, anyway I hope you had your time to eat dinner. My sincerest apologies for calling you suddenly." I turned to look at Kiba with an apologetic look. "I was about to go back since the moment you called I just finished my meal, thank you for that. I shall take the car back to the parking lot, have a goodnight." Kiba said bowing his head and walked back towards the drivers seat. I walkes towards the entrance as the guards greeted me a good evening, I nod my head in acknowledgement.

Walking towards the elevator I clicked the upper button and waited for it to open. A few minutes later it opened with a ding. I stepped inside and clicked the floor we live. I was depressed knowing the smile and laugh I worked hard for just vanished into thin air.

As soon as the elevator doors opened I walked towards our unit and unlocked it. "Sakura?" I called out, no response. I turned on the lights and saw her heels on the living room scattered and bobby pins all over the floor. I picked the bobby pins and her heels and placed them on the rack while I placed the bobby pins on a container.

I walked towards her room and knocked gently. "Sakura?" I opened her bedroom door and it was pitch black, walking towards her bed I flicked on the lamp beside her. She was fast asleep as her mascara stained her eyes to her pillow case and she was still wearing the dress.

I took my time studying her features. Puffy nose, long lashes, pinkish lips and reddish nose. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry for ruining your night sweetheart." I softly said and placed a faint kiss on her cheek before leaving her room and closing the door behind me. I took off my coat and loosen my tie around my neck.

I turned towards my bedroom and closed the door behind me as I kicked my shoes off and collapsed on my bed. "Rough night." I commented and let sleep take over me.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm clock beeped. I looked over the time and sighed 6:59 AM. I gotta be at work by 8:00 but before anything I would always cook for Sakura before leaving. I groggily dragged myself out of the bed and went straight to the kitchen cooking french toast and eggs.

I placed the newly cooked food at the table and grabbed a french toast and ate it. I quickly walked back towards my room and took a shower and got dressed, looking over the clock beside my bed. 7:30 AM

I grabbed my case and walked towards Sakura's room and knocked softly. "Sakura?" I called out. Twisting the knob open, I peek inside. She was still fast asleep.

I quitely walked towards her and planted a kiss on her nose, cheek and forehead before leaving. "I already cooked breakfast. Eat before leaving alright? I'll call in late for you." I said and walked out of the room and carefully closing the door behind me.

I opened the main door and closed it beside me as I walked towards the elevator, pressing the down button- I waited patiently.

The eventa last night came back rushing towards me. The announcement, Sasuke, Karin, Sakura crying. I punched the mirror beside me as it broke into a thousand pieces leaving my knuckles bruised and wounded.

The door finally opened and I walked out, blood dripping from my knuckles. The moment I stepped outside a smiling Kiba greeted me then his eyes widen at the sight of blood dripping from my knuckles. "Sir we need to get that treated ASAP!" Kiba said panickly. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled. "It's okay Kiba, it's only a little injury. Now lets get going before work becomes out of hand for Hinata and the next thing we know she'll be crying around the corner." I joked. Kiba was about to protest when I opened the door and closed it, he sighed in defeat and proceeded towards the drivers seat.

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