chapter eight

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Sakura's POV

How, what, why and where. These questions were running in my head. How is it possible? What is he doing there? Why is he with that girl? Where was he after all these times?

I sighed and sat up from my bed, I looked at the clock beside me. 9:00 AM I sighed and walked towards my bathroom groggily and took a bath.

After finishing my hot bath I proceeded to walk towards my walk-in closet and took out a white polo and a khaki button down skirt and my lab coat.

I proceeded to change and walked out of my room and towards the dinning table. There was no use of panicking since I'm already late. My phone beeped inside my pocket, fishing it out and looked at the caller.

Incomimg call:
Sasoro Akasuna

I clicked the answer button. "Hello?"

"Sak, darling are you alright? Did you eat already? I told Hinata to call the hospital that you'll be running late for today. Breakfast is ready and Kiba is already there waiting for you." Sasori said over the phone and to be honest his gentleness, kindness and concern always melts my worries away at some point. I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm bringing the food to work. I'll be going to work now." I replied. There was a pause. "Sasori?" I asked. "Can I take you out on dinner tonight?" Sasori asked nervously. It took me quite sometime to answer but as the word yes came out of my mouth he immediately shouted yes in victory from the other side.

"Great! I'll meet you on the hospital." He said and hang up. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and took out a lunch box and placed the food Sasori cooked. He was a great cook, a good person and he's also trustworthy. Everyday I kept wondering why am I not attracted to him, most girls would be swoon with just one smile of his but no. I see him as a bestfriend more than a fiancé.

I proceeded to walk out of our unit and into the elevator. Luck must have been on my side at some point since the elevator was open waiting for me to get in, I quickly stepped inside and pressed the ground floor.

Ding! The doors opened and I was already in the ground floor. "Ms. Haruno!" Kiba called out waving his hand at me by the entrance, I waved back gracefully and smiled as I proceeded to walk towards him. "Drop the formalities will you?" I smiled at the guy who laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry, I kinda get carried away. You're still my boss' fiancé." He said.

"And he's still your best bud." I retorded as I slipped inside the car and closed the door behind me before Kiba could. I opened my lunch box and proceeded to eat the french toast Sasori made. I closed my eyes feeling the rich flavor.

"God this is delicious. Kiba have some." I offered a toast to Kiba which he gladly took. "Thank you Sakura." He said and began eating.

After finishing his toast he started the engine and drove off. I fished out my phone from my pocket and dialed Sasori's number and he instantly answered.

"Is there anything you need from your one of a kind fiancé?" Sasori joked which made me giggle. Yeah, he throws lame jokes sometimes. "Actually I was planning to go there this lunch, maybe we could eat together." I suggested. "Sure. I'll pick you up." Sasori said through the phone. "No need, I wanna go there by myself. Let's just have lunch in your office since the view there is great. I'll order Chinese or.." I trailed off "Chinese sounds perfect but could you also buy a red velvet cheesecake on your way here too?" Sasori asked politely. "What? You're having your period?" I joked.

He laughed from the other side which made me smile. "Just stressed and it'll be great to have you here." He said sweetly, I could feel him smiling from here. "Sure, till then." I said before hanging up.

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