Chapter six

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Sasuke's POV

I was looking forward for the big event tonight. I was on my way to the convention with Karin. She used to be in the favors of the mom and dad of Sasori but suddenly her mom and dad took interest in me due to our frequent business meetings so they broke it off their relationship and made her marry me. I can't say no since their business are good news to my company that could top off with Sasori's.

I used to be a street rat according to the Haruno's but I strived hard with little I have till I reached my goal. My parents already passed away and my brother is M.I.A leaving me on my own. Blood and sweat I shred, I can't turn the Uzumaki's offer down.

The moment I agreed their daughter, Karin clung into me like a Koala. She always gets in my nerves.

The moment we arrived the other guests snapped their heads to look at us except for a certain red head who was busy talking to his mom and Jiraya. As we decended from the stairs gossips were visible.

"Who invited them?"
"I heard Mr. Jiraya did. Is he planning to ruin this day too?"
"That's his fiancé? I look so much better than her."
"She looks like a gorilla hugging her tree."
"He's still so hot tho!"
"She's nothing compared to Sasori's fiancé."

I walked over them hearing their conversation. Sasori's fiancé huh? I smirked at the thought.

"Not happy seeing me here?" I said in between their conversation. I smirked at his irritated attitude. "What a surprise to see you here Sasuke." He said sarcastically saying my name in disdain.

I decided to play with him since he knew and saw with his own eyes that his very own ex-fiance was with me. "Good seeing you too. I just arrived tho, I heard your fiancé is here too. I want to meet her." I said as my smirk got wider.

"What?! Why would you even want to meet her darling?! Aren't I enough?!" Karin over-reacting. I rolled my eyes at her stupidity. She should know by know how she's never enough. "Enough? You're never enough Karin." Sasori said glaring at her as he said her name it was visible he was disgusted. Karin glared at her ex-fiancé. "I wasn't asking you Sasori."

Before things would get out of hand Mrs. Akasuna spoke. "Now, now. We wouldn't want any commotion here now would we?" She said glaring at Karin and I as she tighten her grip on her son's arm. "Let's enjoy the evening kids." Jiraya said as he and Mrs. Akasuna dragged Sasori out of my sight.

Karin kept on clinging into me made me sick. I pushed her away from me and walked towards the washroom.

I took my moment there calming myself before I could punch the living shit out of Karin, Sasori and his fucking fiancé whoever she may be.

"Deep breaths Sasuke." I said calming myself. I fished out my phone and called Temari, after a few rings she answered. "Good evening Mr. Uchiha, is there something you need from me?" She asked politely. "Get me every information you can get about Sasori and his fiancé. I want it done by tomorrow 8:00 AM sharp." I demanded and ended the call.

"Stalking won't do you good Sasuke." Jiraya said getting out of the cubicle. "When- how- what?" I asked in confuse. "Nevermind about that. The reason why I called you to be here is because I want you to know the person Sasori is engaged to is off limits." Jiraya said glaring at me.

"And your point is?" I asked leaning on the sink. Jiraya took steps towards me and pointed his finger at me. "Sasuke. Do not do anything foolish. You already stole his first fiancé and clearly he doesn't need you to steal the second. He loves her so don't try and step in." With that he walked out. I gripped the edges of the sink.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath. I took my time again and checked myself in the mirror.

I walked out as soon as knew I still look okay. The moment I got out everyone was chattering about how beautiful Sasori's fiancé was, curiosity hit me.

"Mr. Uchiha right?" A blonde asked me batting her fake lashes at me making her brown eyes pop. "Hn." I grunted in response. "I heard about you! Your the biggest rival of Mr. Akasuna." She said which made me irritated. "You know... I know a good hotel near here, we could... you know." She winked at me. "Excuse me bitch but your so barking at the wrong guy." Karin said popping out of nowhere. I swear this girl's a fungus.

Karin was arguing with the blonde so I decided to walk away. A guy with silver hair suddenly tapped my shoulder. "Pleasant evening." He smiled fakely.

Kakashi, the guy I'm having a conversation with was talking to me about business that didn't matter to me although he was also good news since he knows almost everything about the Konoha and Leaf's company. In the middle of our conversation I felt a pair of eyes where staring at me, I turned to look and my breath caught up from my throat. The love of my life was standing beside my biggest rival. I excused myself from Kakashi and walked towards them with a smirk plastered on my face.

"Congratulations Sasori." I said to the guy and turned towards the most gorgeous girl in the room. "Fancy seeing you here darling." I said as my smirk got wider. Sakura was speechless, I turned to look at Sasori whose vein was about to pop any second. I enjoyed watching him mad but of course too pissed off to know that his fiancé is my fiancé.

Before I could open my mouth to insult them an annoying voice called out. "Sasuke!!!" Karin shouted as if she where in the other part of the mountain and clung into me. She looked at the couple in front of us and smirked. "Oh look! It's the ex." She said sarcastically as she shoot a look at Sakura. "Shut the fuck up Karin or I'll-" Sasori said but unfortunately Karin beat him to it. Idiot.

"What? Punch me and let your parents over there be disappointed?" She smirked at the speechless Sasori. The last thing he would do is humiliate his family. "And you." Karin said pointing at Sakura, but before she could open her mouth again Sakura slapped her hands away whiched shocked the four of us. Sakura was never this type of person, she would always lay low- even at an enemy and held Sasori's hand.

My eyes widen at her gesture and glared at Sasori who kept a straight face. "Don't point your filthy finger at me whore." Sakura said calmly. My jaw literally dropped the moment those word came out of her mouth. "Who are you calling a whore?!" Karin shouted at Sakura who didn't even flinch at her voice, because of Karin's stupidity, everyone's attention was on us. I mentally facepalmed at this.

"Is it that hard to guess? I already slapped her hand away." Sakura said tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "You don't even have the standards of being beautiful." Karin said angrily.

Sakura and Sasori walked out of us but before they disappeared in the sea of people Sakura looked over her shoulder and said. "Girl, I got heels higher than your standards." With that they disappeared.

I dragged Karin out of the scene and shouted at her the moment we were out of prying eyes. "What the fuck are you thinking?!" I shouted at her. "She started it!" She quickly defended herself. "Fuck it Karin!" I said and walked towards my car with Karin following in behind. I opened the drivers seat and started the engine as Karin slid into the passengers seat.

I drove off towards my house with speed, the moment I arrived I quickly got out and slammed the door behind me. "How am I supposed to get home?!" Karin shouted from the passenger seat. I motioned to my chauffeur and threw him the car keys as he catch it on time and started to walk towards the car, Karin huffed in response.

I quickly made my way towards my room and slammed the door shut not before locking it. I kicked off my shoes and collapsed in my bed and sighed heavily.

"Sakura..." her name suddenly came out of my mouth, I loosen my tie around my neck and sat up, grabbing the photo beside my bed. My fingers ran on the frame. It was a photo of Sakura wearing a white wedding dress, it was the day we were picking out what gown looks best in her. She was smiling, her eyes looking so alive. I sighed and placed the photo where it belonged and stared at the ceiling.

An idea popped into my mind as I smirked. "Sasori Akasuna, be prepared. Your beloved fiancé will be mine again."

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