chapter eleven

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5 years after

Sakura's POV

I stared at the view from my room. The flowers were blooming, as their fragrance filled my senses. I smiled at the view. Ever since the day I walked out from everyone, I decided to stay in this place which is far from the city. I gave up my position as the heiress of the Leaf and decided to live the life I wanted to live except for the fact that Sasuke wasn't here with me.

The only person who knows about my disappearance was Ino and her husband Sai, both was at first reculant to keep it as a secret but after telling them that this is what I wanted they agreed. Beep! Beep! Beep! My phone beeped, checking who it was and Ino's face flushed in the screen. Speaking of the Devil.

"Hello?" I answered. "Forehead! Where are you?! Sai and I were waiting for you here in this chinese planet restaurant nearby! We're celebrating our 5th anniversary with you!" Ino shouted over the phone. "Okay, okay. Chill, give me 15 minutes." I said as I sighed in defeat. "Your 15 minutes starts now." Sai said over the phone. I ended the call and smiled at my phone.

I didn't made it to their wedding and their past anniversaries so I decided to attend this one. I walked towards my wooden closet and pulled out a white dress and pastel pink flats to go with it. I walked towards my bathroom and took a warm bath quickly.

After that, I wiped myself dry and wore my clothes. I went over to my mini vanity mirror and applied lip gloss over my lips and pulled my long hair into a high ponytail, satisfied with my look I grabbed my pink shoulder bag and placed my wallet, phone and keys inside.

I got out from my apartment and walked towards the Chinese Planet restaurant where Ino and Sai are waiting. A waitress was waiting outside, she looked really familiar.

Her shaggy black hair, crimson eyes, pale skin and red lips. She turned to me and smiled. "It's good to see you here too." She said politely. I looked at her name plate and read. Kurenai Yūhi. I smiled at her. "Your friend and her..." she trailed off.

"Husband." I said politely. "Yes, her husband. They're apparently waiting for you. Come, I'll take you there." She smiled and opening the door for me. I mumbled a thank you and let her head the way. We passed different tables till we reached where Ino and Sai were laughing. I smiled upon seeing them, it has been years.

Ino looked up and smiled. "Forehead! You're finally here!" She said excitedly. "Keep it down will you? You're disturbing the others." I joked as I sat down on the empty chair. I turned to look at Kurenai but she was already gone serving people with their orders.

"How are you? I haven't seen you in forever!" Ino dramatically said as I rolled my eyes playfully at her. "It's only been five years Ino." I smiled at her. "You look different from the Sakura I used to know." Sai said looking at me with caution.

I mentally facepalmed at this. "Because it has been years since we last saw each other?" I smiled nervously at him. "Yeah, you're right. By the way your hair got long too, you look good in it. I won't call you ugly anymore so here." Sai said as he handed me an envelope.

I opened it and read what was inside.

Certificate of Recognition goes to:
Sakura Haruno
For finally being one of us humans.

I glared at Sai as he threw a fake smile at me. How heartless. I thought. "How thoughtful." I said sarcastically.

As soon as our orders arrived we digged in since our stomach were calling out for food. In the middle of our lunch Sai suddenly spoke. "Hey, how are things with you and Sasori?" He asked bluntly. Ino nudged his stomach for she knew I didn't want to talk about it but it's already been five years so I guess I should start moving on.

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