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Dedicated to UnknownPetal

Boruto's POV

"Come now Boruto." My mom, Hinata said as she smiled gently at me. "But mommy, why do we even have to go to aunt Sakura's? It's too tiring to hear you girls fan girl over something." I whined. Mom laughed at my retort and pinched my cheeks. "Silly, it's because today's the day her husband and child would come home." She smiled.

"Husband?" I looked at mom confusedly, "Child?" I asked as I tiled my head. "Yes dear and your dad will be going with us too so you wouldn't be alone." Mom said as she wore her shoes and we headed downstairs where dad was waiting by the couch. "Ready darling?" Dad said getting up as he picked me up and carried me over his shoulder.

"Yes." They both smiled at each other as dad held mom's hand and we proceeded go. "The car is right outside waiting Mr. Uzumaki." My butler said as he bowed. "Thank you but Sasori will be fetching us, you just take the day off. Tell everyone that." I ordered and smiled widely at my butler. "As you wish." He bowed and left to tell the good news to others.

"NARUTOOOOOOOO!!!!" A voice boomed in the hallway, I turned to look at the person with a scared expression. "WHY AREN'T YOU TELLING US THAT SASUKE AND HIS DAUGHTER WOULD COME HOME?! YOU KNOW HOW I WANTED TO PAIR MY GRANDCHILD WITH THEIR CHILD!" My grandma, Kushina shouted at my dad. Grandma haven't aged for the past years and it surprises me, same goes with grandpa. I even asked mom and dad if they had me at their teens.

"Calm down darling. We'll be going along with them, right Naruto and Hinata?" Grandpa said nervously trying to calm his wife before she sets the house on fire. "Please do come mama, I'm sure the Uchiha's would be thrilled to see you." Mom said as she smiled at grandma and grandpa. Instantly grandma's scary face was replaced with happiness as she dragged mom towards outside where a white limo was waiting, probably Uncle Sasori's.

"Just give your mom a shot, she haven't seen them in years." Grandpa said as he took me off dad's shoulders and carried me on his. "I suppose." Dad sighed defeatedly as we started to go where mom and grandma was waiting inside the limo.

Dad opened the door as grandpa took me off his shoulders and placed me inside as he came in next and lastly dad who closed the door behind him.

"Boruto!" Uncle Sasori exclaimed. "Uncle Sasori!" I ran towards him excitedly as he settled me into his lap. "How's my favorite godchild?" He asked as he handed me a present. "I'm good, I've gotten taller too!" I answered him as I excitedly tore the gift wrappers revealing the gift inside, a brand new black PS Vita.

"THANK YOU!" I said out loud as I hugged him and let go to play with my brand new toy. "You spoil him too much." Dad commented. "Is there something wrong about it?" Uncle Sasori asked. "Yes. Is. There. Something. Wrong?" Grandma asked making everyone's spine shiver. "N-not at all." Dad said nervously.

"I'm excited to see the Uchiha's. I've heard Itachi will be there too." Mom said happily, trying to lighten up the mood. "Oh yes! Itachi wouldn't miss it for the world." Grandma said happily as both conversed, which reminded me..

"Hey Uncle Sasori, you used to date Aunt Sakura back then right? Why did she end up with Uncle Sasuke?" I asked without looking up since I was too busy playing games.

"We were arranged. We didn't date freely, but don't get me wrong I love your Aunt Sakura." Uncle Sasori answered. "You still haven't settled with anyone after the incident?" Grandpa asked. "No, although after the news came out about our called off engagement almost every business man and woman were knocking on my door presenting their daughters which I refused too. And besides, I want someone to love me as who I am and not for what I am." Uncle Sasori said softly.

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