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Milwaukee, Wisconsin

"Friggin' cops."

"They're just doing their job, Dean," I told him, looking up from a record and flashlight. Sam shook his head at his brother.

"No, they're doing our job, only they don't know it, so they suck at it. Just tell me about this bank."

I shifted and gathered all the pages, "uh, Milwaukee National Trust, hit about a month ago."

"Same M.O as the jewelry store?" asked Sam.

I nodded, "inside job, longtime employee, you know, the never-in-a-million-years type. Dude robs the bank, then goes home and supposedly commits suicide."

"And the guy we're going over to see, Resnick... He was the security guard on duty?"

"Yeah. He was actually beaten unconcious by the teller who heisted the place." I packed up the papers and followed the boys back to the car. 

"God!" Dean exclaimed.


"FBI, Mr. Resnick."

Mr. Resnick opened the wooden door and glanced between Sam and Dean before eyeing their federal get-up. "Let me see the badge," he said through the screen.

Sam and Dean yanked out their badges and slapped them against the screen in unison. 

"I already gave my statement to the police."

Dean cleared his throat, "yeah, listen Ronald... There's just some things about your statement that we wanted to get some clarification on."

"You read it?"

"Sure did."

"You come to listen to what I've got to say?"

"Well, that's why we're here."

Ronald seemed to cheer up at this. Finally, someone had wanted to listen to him and hopefully this time, they won't make fun of him. "Come on in." He opened the door and led the brother's down a narrow hallway to a cluttered room. The walls were enveloped with alien photos and conspiracy theory paraphernalia. 

Ronald turned to face them once they were settled, "none of the cops ever called me back. Not after I told them what was really going on. Uh, they all thought I was crazy."

Sam and Dean exchanged a look. 

"First off," Ron continued, "Juan Morales never robbed the Milwaukee National Trust, okay? That, I guarantee. See, we and Juan were friends. He used to come back to the bank on my night shifts, and we'd play cards."

"So you let him into the bank that night, after hours?" Sam questioned.

"The thing I let into the bank... wasn't Juan. I mean, it had his face, but it wasn't his face. Uh, every detail was perfect, but too perfect, you know, like if a dollmaker made it, like I was talking to a big Juan-doll."

Sam looked up doubtfully, "a Juan-doll?"

Ron rolled his eyes, "look. This wasn't the only time this happened." He handed a folder, similar to the one that Emerson was studying back in a motel room, to Sam who flipped through it. "There was this jewwelry store, too. And the cops, and you guys, you just won't see it! Both crimes were pulled by the same thing."

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