The Usual Suspects

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A loud bang made me wake up and jump from the bed next to Sam. I went to run for it but instead I came face to face with at least a dozen guys from the SWAT team. Are we seriously that dangerous? I mean, come on. Really? A middle aged woman, emerged through the crowd of men and advanced towards us with her gun. "You kids going somewhere?"


In the back of the cop car, I found a ball. Don't ask me how, it was just there. I almost threw it at the glass barrier between my brother and I and the woman that had us at gunpoint forty-five minutes ago. Now I'm throwing it at the wall repeatedly in an interview room. I don't even have Sam to talk to or Dean. He's here. I overheard some cops talking about him as I walked through the precinct handcuffed and guided into the room I'm in now. Feet up on the table, I threw the ball repeatedly at the wooden door until the female cop walked in, catching it. She held a hot cup of something and placed it in front of me. "So you're the good cop. Where's the bad cop?"

"With Dean. I thought it would've been better if Sam and you were in separate rooms as well so..."

"Cool. But I should ask... Why are you holding us?"

"Dean's being held on suspicion of murder," she said matter-of-factly. "And you... We'll see."

I laughed as if this whole thing were some prank. "Murder?!"

"You sound genuinely surprised. Or are you just that good of an actress?"

"Who's he supposed to have murdered?"

"We'll get around to that."

"You just can't hold us without formal charges!" I exclaimed, standing up from my chair and copying her position leaning on the table, hands in front of us.

"Actually, we can. For about forty-eight hours. I was pretty sure that Sam's knowledge of pre-law would've rubbed off on you at some point."

"You thought wrong. You don't know anything about me or my family. And quite frankly, it's none of your business."

She left the room. When she came back, she had a folder. My record. I have a record?! This is amazing! "You thought wrong," the woman said copying my tone. "I know everything about you, Emerson Jade Winchester. Where shall I start?"

"Anywhere you like."

"You were born on February 4, '91 in Lawrence General Hospital, Kansas which makes you fifteen; no current home address, no job; mother and twin sister died in a housefire when you were a baby."

"The whole of Kansas knows that. But keep going. I'm really intrigued." If I keep this up, I think bad mouthing to a cop wouldn't have been such a great idea at the time.

"Father's whereabouts are unknown." Try Hell... I hear it's nice this time of year. Nice and warm. "Then there's the case of your brother, Dean. Whose demise was, well, a little exaggerated. Feel free to jump in whenever you like." She looked up and smiled. I gestured for her to continue from the corner beside a pot plant. "Your family moved around a lot. All corners of the country. Despite that, you were a pretty good kid for Robert Singer. When Dean and your father were away for five months, he almost sent you to school."

Uncle Bobby's not actually my uncle. I've been calling him that ever since I could talk and him and Dad were really close. "I almost wish he did."

"Almost a year ago, you had a seven month relationship with a guy named Koda Bradford." I perked up. "Name got your attention? Thought so. Took him on a road trip. How was that?"

"Great. We saw the second biggest ball of twine in the continental US. Awesome..." I pulled up chair and straddled it. "You know, I never got your name."

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