Everybody Loves a Clown

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"He left the kid unharmed and killed the parents. Tore them to shreds, actually."

"This family was at a carnival that day, right?"

"Yeah, the Cooper Carnival."

"So how do we know we're not dealing with a psycho carnie in a clown suit?"

Clowns. Why? Dude, they're the scariest friggin' things you will ever come across! Who wouldn't be scared of them?! "Cops have no viable leads, and all the employees were tearing down shop. People all around. And the girl said she saw a clown vanish into thin air. Cops are saying trauma, as usual. She probably watched her parents get mauled, of course she would have friggin' trauma!"

"Well, I know what you two are thinking," Dean laughed from the drivers seat. "Why did it have to be clowns?" I kinda adopted the fear from Sammy so no one can really blame me.

"Give me a break, Dean," I groaned.

"Didn't think I'd remember did you? You both still bust out crying whenever Ronald McDonald comes on TV!"

"At least I'm not afraid of flying!" Sam told him.

"Planes crash!"

"And apparently clowns kill!" Me and Sam yelled in unison, sticking to our argument.

"Whatever. The type of murders happen before?"

"1981, the Bunker Brothers Circus. Same kind of thing, three times, three different towns, three different families. This thing obviously digs the number three." I read off a file in my lap. "I thought spirits were bound to a specific place. Like a town or a house. So how is this one moving from city to city, carnival to carnival?"

"Cursed object, maybe? Carnival carries it around after the spirit gets attached to it?"

"Who doesn't love a paranormal scavenger hunt?"


Across the carnival grounds, a couple of detectives were talking to some workers. "Five-oh... Act cool!" Sam and I steered clear of the mainstream pathway which meant we lost Dean. Guy doesn't know what way he wants to go. "Dude. Clowns. Why?" I stuffed my hands in my pockets.

"At least you have someone who understands. Unless we both would be giving you crap," Sam smirked. A three-foot woman walked by and stared nervously. Three-foot height difference. Hilarious.

I slapped him across the face, "don't stare."


I spotted Dean walking over. "You get her number?" He smiled.

"More murders?" Sam scowled at his older brother.

"Two more last night. Apparently, they were ripped to shreds," he explained when we started to take a look around. "And they had a little boy with them."

Fantastic, I thought. "Who fingered a clown." That got me a couple of weird looks from them.

Dean shook his head before looking forward again, "yeah, a clown who apparently vanished into thin air."

"You do know that looking for this object or whatever will be like looking for a needle in a stack of needles? It could be friggin' anything!" I threw my arms up in the air out of frustration.

"Well, it's bound to give off EMF, so we'll just have to-"

"Blend in." I pointed to a sign on a nearby telegraph pole that read Help Wanted. S. Cooper.

"I was gonna say scan everything but that can work to."

"Can't let me take a bit of credit for five friggin' seconds can you?! Jesus..."

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