Sombra is here, with Reaper and WidowMaker

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You were in your house with your parents, playing with them. You really liked those days when you could spend time with them. They often had work to do, they never told you what it was but you didn't care as well. They were your parents! They surely did this for your wellbeing. Your parents were very caring and loving to you. You knew that it was a chance to be with such nice parents.

You raised your head when you heard a small and almost not perceptible noise. You stopped playing with your toys. Your parents watched you for a moment before speaking. "Is everything alright dear?" Your dad asked gently to you. You were about to nod but a second detonation much louder than the first happened. The next thing that you saw, was complete darkness.

As usual, the agents of Talon had just decimated an entire city for no reason apparently. Sombra watched her comrades kill the last survivors who remained in the city. But a single cry attracted her, the cry seemed to come from a young child, very young. She commenced being curious. She ignored Reaper's orders and she was beginning to look for the source of this cry. She was searching in the rubble. Soon enough she discovered you, a young child with blood on you.

You were next to the dead bodies of your parents. The tears ran down your cheeks, you cried for a long time and you lifted your head as soon as you heard the ground crackling under someone's feet. You immediately stopped to cry and you began to be scared. You took a step back when you saw Sombra, it was more like a reflex than a decision you did but you thought it was the bad guys your parents had warned you to be careful and to avoid them as much you could. But this woman didn't seem so dangerous to you. "Come on niño/niña, what's going on?" Sombra asked you while kneeling down on your level. You wiped the tears from your face and pointed the bodies of your parents.

"M-my parents d-died because of the bad guys with g-guns..." You whispered in a high pitch voice. You started to cry again but Sombra took you in her arms. She saw herself younger in you, a bit smarter though. But she couldn't let you alone here anyway. She needed to help you, her mind and her heart wanted to. Even if the others wouldn't agree with this, she wasn't going to let you here.

She whispered words to you in Spanish that you did not understand well. But these words sounded very pretty in your ears so you did not say anything. It relaxed you in a way so you stopped to cry. Sombra was starting to walk towards her group that included WidowMaker and Reaper. You touched Sombra's outfit that was very complicated for you. She also had violet implants on her head that you watched very carefully. "Sombra where did you- Who are they?" A man with a black cape was in front of you, he was wearing a white owl mask and everything about him should make a child of your age flee but you seemed really interested in the man.

"I found them in the rubble, I thought we could take care of them." The man grunted and he was looking at you, you open your arms for him to take you but instead, he kept looking at you. Reaper thought about your case, how come he does not frighten you? "I do not frighten you small one?" You shook your head quickly with a giggle and then you saw another woman coming in. This time, the woman had a blue-violet skin, she had long blue hair with a strange machine on her head with several things that looked like red eyes. But the woman had amber eyes. "You're going to see, WidowMaker is a tiny insensitive but if you do it well she could be nice," Sombra whispered in your ear and you nodded. WidowMaker walked up to you and did the same thing as Reaper. "Why did you bring a child here Sombra?" She asked with an annoyed tone. "I could not leave this little child all alone here and then they're so cute, I could not leave them." Sombra answered while hugging you tightly without hurting you and you hugged her back.

Your vision started to become blurred and you were more and more sleepy. You yawned and you started to sleep on Sombra's shoulder. She smiled at your sleepy form. You were thinking about your new strange family. A family that was going to bring you many things before falling asleep.

Reaper looked at you one more time before walking to the ship. "I kinda like this one, you can keep him/her but you'll take care of him/her." He grumpily announced, but under his mask, he had a big smile. WidowMaker walked by Sombra's side, can't keep her glance away from you. Sombra noticed it and she decided to tease a little bit the so-called heartless blue-purple sniper. "So, you're liking him/her as well?" WidowMaker eyes widened and she let a bitter laugh. "Are you kidding me Sombra?" WidowMaker replied, rolling her eyes at Sombra's statement. "Pff, I saw how you looked at them when you saw them amiga." WidowMaker didn't deny this and Sombra knew she was right. It was cool to know for her that WidowMaker started to regain her emotions.

You are someone that will bring them a lot of things, and one of this things was happiness. From this moment, Sombra understood she made the right choice to bring you with them. It'll be like a new beginning for all of them. She hoped that Doomfist and Moira will accept you like the three of them did.

A/n: Here's the first chapter, hope you liked it :D


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