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Hana entered Angela's office at a frightening pace. She noticed Angela working on papers as usual. She grabbed Angela by the arms, rushing her words to explain quickly the situation to Angela. She had a hard time to understand what she was saying but just looking on Hana's face, she knew something was wrong.

As Hana showed the way, they both arrived into the living room, Angela with her trusted caduceus staff by her side and Hana sighing in relief. Angela was already worried that a Talon agent succeeded to get in but they also accomplished to hurt an Overwatch agent. Maybe she didn't hear well Hana's story. But she was sure a Talon succeeded to get in. That's the only thing she wouldn't doubt.

Brigitte had slowly removed her shirt that was good to throw away while waiting for a medic to come. She could technically repair her shirt, she was good at sewing and knitting but she didn't have much time since she joined Overwatch. Her back was recovered by fast applied bandages. Lena kept apologizing and Brigitte just shook her head, giving her a small smile.

Angela smiled a bit at Lena's work. It wasn't perfect, but it was okay. Angela grabbed the first aid kit, having the necessary tools to properly heal Brigitte. Well, one tool in particular.

"Now, without pressing yourself, can someone explain to me what happened here?" Angela demanded while eyeing the three women in the room. They all shared a look before Lena coughed a bit, commencing to tell the start of the story.

You stayed in Olivia's lap, swinging your legs as you were so excited to have your family back. Olivia was hacking into systems of an organization as always, you watched her to learn more about hacking but you were starting to get tired. Maybe all this run in the Overwatch base had fatigued you. You yawned while putting your two hands in front of your mouth. You had trouble to stay awake. And you didn't have the determination to stay awake so you drove into the land of dreams, your head on Olivia's body.

The landscape was horribly dark, you couldn't see more than one meter in front of you. There was also smoke, but the smoke was almost a warning as if a blizzard was coming or something awful. You were terribly cold, even if it was a dream, it was so realistic. You wrapped your arms around your small body and you attempted to keep yourself warm by doing some friction against your body with your arms. Unfortunately, it didn't work. You watched around you, but there was nothing. You sat down on the ground, not wanting to do further investigation. The landscape was creepy and it didn't inspire you confidence. You were freaked out, honestly, your bravery disappeared into thin air as soon as you arrived into this land. You heard one clear scream on your right, it was the scream sounding like someone was getting tortured. The one you didn't want to hear in the night, alone. You turned your head and you stood up in a second, stepping back in fear as soon as you saw who this scream belonged to.

In front of you, stand your mother. Her body was mutilated due to bullets. Just the same when you discovered her dead, under the debris of your house. With your trembling hand, you tried to touch her. But she suddenly grabbed your wrist, her eyes becoming black and tears of blood rolled down her cheeks. Your eyes widened, your breath getting faster. She scared you most than you wanted to admit. She was your mother, you had to trust her. But why was she scaring you so much? You tried to get out of her grip but she was way stronger.

"Mommy, you're hurting me..." You whispered as tears rolled down your cheeks too. You stepped back but she followed you. Her grip was still strong on you.

She smiled, but it wasn't one of those warm smiles she used to give you when she was alive. It was a wicked one, the one you knew hid awful intentions. You wanted to wake up so badly but you were frozen right on spot. You didn't even think you were in the land of dreams. All of this was so real as if it already happened and you were just reviving it.

"Isn't how you left us, sweetheart? Hurt, under the remnants of what we called our house darling? Why didn't you help us? Tell me why shouldn't I let you feel how we felt-"

"-n)" you heard another familiar voice, but you didn't understand what they were saying. Your mother stopped talking, her attention also on the voice. You finally pulled out your wrist, finding the moment of weakness in your mother's grip. You were now running for your life toward the voice. There was a silence until the voice came back. Broking the dream, bringing you to reality.

"Wake up (Y/n)!!"

Olivia's voice woke you up from your nightmare. You haven't noticed but you were firmly gripping her.  You struggled to breathe right. You tried to stop crying but you couldn't erase the pictures anymore, not the feeling on your wrist as well. Olivia watched you, unaware of how to calm you. Well, she at least had to try. She couldn't let you in such a state.

She gently grabbed you, wiping your tears away with her thumbs. She looked into your eyes so you were focused on her and only on her.

"Hey cariño (is this good for everyone? Or do I need to use something else? Like is it good for all the genders?), calm down. Breathe in and out, alright? You've been through this, and I'm sure you can make it again. But you need to focus. Nightmares are not real, I've told you that right? And even if they were, the three of us will kick the ass of what is haunting you, okay?" She gave you a confident smirk so you did what she said, breathing in and out calmly. You tried to hug Olivia as her presence made you realize that before you were in a nightmare. Amélie's and Gabriel's gaze helped you to believe it more.

The dropship arrived at its destination, the Talon base or what you now called your home. Olivia took you on her back since you were still in shock. Everyone took their own paths, and Olivia was going to her room. Until her phone vibrated in her pocket. She raised a brow, taking out her phone with caution to not drop you. Her eyes widened and she almost lost her grip on you. On the screen, the only notification that was shown:

Vishkar Corporation accused of having members of the terrorist organization Talon. Satya Vaswani disappeared, researches are still going on. If you have any pieces of information, please contact the police.

Olivia's breath stayed caught in her throat. You still in shock and this information made her panicked. Since when the Vishkar Company had Talon agents in it? She wasn't aware of this. Olivia rushed to her room, she opened and then closed it with her key. She placed you down on the bed, then she immediately sat down on her chair and lit up her computers. She needed to know, she had to know more. Satya couldn't have disappeared like this, right?

You walked next to Olivia, the snowflake Satya offered you in your hand. You looked at Olivia with worry, coming from your nightmare but also her expression showing there was something wrong.

"Why are you mad, hermana?" You demanded with a shy voice. You knew from experience that when an adult was mad, it wasn't a good idea to bother them. But maybe it was different with Olivia? Everything was different with her, it was great to be with her.

"Satya disappeared, the news said that so I searched. And I found her, she is in Overwatch..." She glanced at you, and you could have sworn you noticed a tear in her eyes. Something was going to change, for the best or the worst you weren't sure. But if hermana is crying, it isn't good.

A/n: So yeah, this book will contain Symbra as ship and maybe more. If you don't like it, sorry but I chose this one because I appreciate it and there will be a lot of ideas coming from this ship. So bear with me, and see you in the next chapter!


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