Moira O'Deorain

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Sombra looked down at you with a small smile. "Don't worry, he was joking." She told you but you felt it wasn't the truth. Kind of your instinct that prevents you. You didn't say anything and you just nodded. Now you were afraid of your uncle. She kept walking in the corridors, the grip on you stayed the same. Strong but insure at the same time.

You arrived in front a purple and blue door, it had the two colours on it and it was a beautiful mix. It had a skull and a spider on it. Sombra opened the door and she lit up the lights once she was in it. She slowly closed the door, not making any noise. She released you and she watched you. You walked around the room for a moment, looked what it has inside it. Until you noticed a glowing purple computer and you admired it for more than one minute.

Sombra giggled at your fascination with a normal computer with just some purple lights. She had customized it because she wanted something original. She came closer to you. You looked at her before watching the computer again. She swore she saw little stars in your eyes. "Do you want I teach you how to use it?" She softly demanded you. You faced her and you quickly nodded, excitation filling your mind. "Yeah! I would love to!" You replied with a big smile.

Sombra chuckled slightly before lighting up the computer. She brought one chair and she sat on it, then she gently grabbed you and she put you on her lap. She commenced to tell you the base of what composed a computer and how to use it correctly. You listened to her attentively, remembering all the things she was telling you. Once she was done with this, she looked at you with a smirk. "Now that you know the basics, do you want to learn how to hack?"

You furrowed your brows as you didn't understand what she meant. But that sure seemed really fun, so you nodded plus how she explained, it was super simple and funny. "Sure!" You replied with enthusiasm. Sombra was glad you were excited about that. No one in the base seemed really interested in hacking, but when she saw you acting like this she was really pleased. She kept explaining you, repeating when it was needed. You were learning so many new things. You wondered why your parents never taught you that.

Sombra noticed you were getting sleepy, she smiled a bit at your almost sleepy form. You yawned a bit before rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands. You slowly fell asleep on Sombra. She smiled a bit before taking you, she placed you on her bed and she put the blanket on you. Sombra stayed next to you, a hand on your head she stroke some of your hairs. Until the door opened.

She sighed in relief when she saw it was only Amélie. She lied down on the bed and she giggled. Amélie raised her brows but she shrugged, why would she be bothered by this? She often heard the hacker laughing just because of memes on the internet. Amélie put her sniper next to her bed and she went to the bathroom. But just before she closed the door, she looked at you and Sombra.

Surprisingly, you didn't have a nightmare this time. You highly thought about that, you weren't going to complain to have a good and calm rest.

Olivia woke up when she didn't felt you next to her. She glanced around the room and she jumped on her feet when you were nowhere to be seen. Amélie watched her before reading her book back. She was about to leave the room but the sound of your yawn stopped her. Olivia noticed your wet lips and she sighed in relief. You only got up to drink some water.

She sat back on the bed as you slowly made your way back to the bed. When you noticed Olivia's presence, you opened your arms and she chuckled silently. She took you in her arms and you fell asleep again in her arms. Once Amélie made sure you weren't awake, she looked at Olivia. "Moira wants to see you in her office at 8 am. With them." She added before continuing to read her book.

Olivia nodded before she whispered to you. "Have a good rest, you're gonna need it." She closed her eyes and she tried to get some sleep as well.

Little time skip

Olivia woke up early due to her little meeting with Moira. She went to the bathroom and she splashed some water on her face before getting ready with her usual purple and black coat. She shook your shoulder and you lazily opened your eyes. You raised your head and you tilted it when you saw Olivia wearing the same outfit as yesterday. "A-are you going on a mission?" You shyly asked Olivia. She turned her head and she shook her head. "Nop, we're meeting the last person you have to know. Moira O'Deorain. Come, we're gonna be late else." You gave another nod and you followed Sombra.

You held her hand to not be lost in the base, also because everyone seemed to watch you and it made you really nervous. You arrived in the time in front Moira's office. Sombra didn't even knock at the door and she opened it with a grin. "Hello, amiga!" She greeted Moira and you stayed behind her, your hands on her outfit. Sombra gave you a little glance and her face softened. "I promise it'll be alright as long as you are with me, okay?" She whispered and you nodded.

Moira groaned as the ink on her paper slipped and made her paper unreadable. "What did I say the last time Sombra?" She asked her with an annoyed tone. Sombra put a finger on her chin. "That I had to knock first before entering your office." She answered with a sneering tone. Moira shook her head. She looked up at you and she smirked. She got up and she put her hands behind her back. But you saw her right hand, it was purple. Like a lot of things, you found it fascinating. "What do we have here?" She asked herself.

You walked in front of Sombra and you looked at Moira with your mouth opened. "Superheroes!" You shouted but with your tiny voice, it wasn't as loud as expected. Moira frowned at this, what do you mean by superheroes? Sombra restrained a laugh. "WidowMaker is like, uhh, the amazing sniper that protects all the team! Reaper is the edgy guy that thinks he scares everyone but it's not the truth. Uncle is the boss and he's truly scary, but he can be gentle! You, you're the witch of the team. The one that heals everyone else in the group and makes a lot of experiences! And Sombra, Sombra is Sombra and she's the best with everything." You explained them with a huge smile, you particularly told them the last sentence with proudness. You made some gestures with your arms to make your explanation more alive. 

Sombra almost let a tear fell down on her cheeks, but like her laugh, she had to restrain it. She couldn't show her weakness in front Moira. But... Wait, was that a laugh she heard from Moira? No, no way the geneticist she knew could laugh, right? She watched her, but she was wrong. Moira was chuckling ever so slightly, she was chuckling! You made her chuckle. Sombra was so proud of you at this moment, oh you don't even know how much she gonna loves you!


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