Guilty from past mistakes

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Life went on. You were growing closer to your family, finding a new bond you hadn't felt since the death of your parents. You slowly turned into an adolescent. You surprised yourself by calling Olivia your mother more than once. But she didn't change her attitude toward you. Still playful but caring.

Olivia on the other hand had a hard time keeping a great relationship with you. Her past mistakes slowly catching up to her. She had a pang of guilt deep inside her from hiding part of the truth from you. About why they were exactly where you were, why explosions happened in your city and mostly, why your parents were dead. Though she believed you had some suspicions, you didn't know everything. After all, you were still young when it happened. She wished to tell you everything, wanting the best for you.

It took time for her to admit she had to tell you. She was aware of something could and would certainly break between you and your family. Yet, she decided it was time to reveal to you what they had hidden. She discussed it with Amélie and Gabriel, those who loved you as dearly as she did. Gabriel was against this. He had lost so many things in the past, you were the only thing remaining worth fighting for. But in the end, he reluctantly agreed. Maybe it was best to separate the shadows and the light. Amélie said nothing about this. She felt something strong for once, but she couldn't place a name on it. And it bothered her so much she decided to numb it.

Olivia called you to join them in the kitchen area. It was big enough to fit everyone without feeling being stuck in a tight space. The moment you stepped into the room, you knew something was amiss. The stares, the tension in the atmosphere, you either screwed something bad or you were going to have one hell of a conversation. Little did you knew.

"Sit down little one, we have something to tell you," Olivia declared while avoiding your look. You frowned but listened to her anyway. Gabriel had his arms crossed across his chest, his back against the wall. Amélie was swirling a glass of wine, staring at it.

"Uhm, what's going on?"

"We wanted to tell you a little bit more about yourself. About your past and why exactly we were near your house, the day your parents died." You kept frowning, getting more anxious as time passed by. With this explanation, you were completely lost. They never once mentioned your past. And you were fine with that. Why bring this back on the table?

"Alright... what happened then?"

"First of all, you need to know we belong to a... to a terrorist organization called Talon-" you blinked a few times, chuckling as a nervous habit.

"You're joking, right?" The stern face on Olivia's face, the way Gabriel and Amélie avoided your look told you enough. You breathed deeply in, readying yourself to hear the rest of the story. "Okay..."

"Your parents used to work with us. They joined us both when they were still quite young. They got pieces of information for us and weapons, in exchange we protected them. But a few years after the crisis ended, they switched side. They helped Overwatch with the information they had about Talon. The outcome became obvious for some of the Talon's councils. To kill them. The more they told Overwatch about Talon, the more dangerous they became to them. The rest of the story you know it. A bomb was placed near your house. We detonated it, and the remaining neighbours were killed by us. And then... then we found you."

There was a silence hovering over the room. The kind of silence that made the inside of your stomach twisted on itself. All of the good times disappeared in an instant, leaving a blank in your mind. You gritted your teeth in madness. Mad at them, at your blindness toward this issue, at yourself for being so naive.

"How many more did you kill? Was I anything to you beside a toy? A tool for your future plan?" This wounded Olivia in more ways than she could ever have imagined. Deeper than whatever weapons could deal. She never thought of you this way. Gabriel chuckled darkly, his eyes avoiding you and his arms still crossed over his chest.

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