Never Been Kissed

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            Kurt was bored. More than that: he was lonely. All his best friends talked about now were their boyfriends. Rachel was obsessed with every step Finn took. Why did she have to be so jealous all the time? Tina only talks about her drama between Mike and Artie. Let's be fair, she tried to be nice to him. She would try to talk about fashion or something to cheer him up. But it always ended with some crazy speculation about how Artie and Brittany are dating.

Well, Mercedes was still single like him. However, she was now trying to convince him to go to mass with her to thank that his father is now healthy again. She knew he didn't believe in God, why did she insist?

What had happen at McKinley today? Kurt got harassed by Karofsky again. No one cared, again. Mercedes tried telling him to talk back to Karofsky. Maybe he'd try it tomorrow when he would, again, be thrown against his locker by the Neanderthal. Puck was back. Mr. Schue told them who their competition would be in sectionals. He also said Kurt would have to sing with the boys in the mash-up competition. It was simply not fair. Not to mention old and boring.

Kurt decided to check their competition on the internet. He found a video of the Warblers singing in a nursery home. Wow, those jackets sure look cute. Why didn't the boys at McKinley dress like that? There wasn't one single interesting boy at school; they were all so sloppy. Ok, the outfits are fine, but aren't they a bit too still? Those Warblers could sing, but are they really a competition to worry about? He could never be sure; the quality of the video was so low.

He looked for the other group: the Hipsters. Oh, My! What are all those old people trying to do on that stage? Are they serious? How could they qualify for sectionals? This meant that they wouldn't have to worry. Which also meant more boredom. Kurt was trapped in the land where nothing happened.


Blaine slammed his bedroom door and threw himself at his bed. Another terrible date. Why did he only date jerks? This Gregory guy seemed so nice. They had and amazing talk at the coffee shop, then an amazing first date watching the community theater's production of Grease. But today, their second date, after a mediocre dinner... he still couldn't believe the guy suggested they should get a room to "get to know each other." Aren't any more nice guys in the world? Maybe he should give up on dating by now. Focus on the Warblers. The Warblers and the whole Dalton academy were where Blaine felt alright. Everyone liked him there; he could be who he really was.


Kurt thought this would mean change, but again: nothing. He tried confronting Karofsky and it has been proved worthless. Mr. Schue offered help. But Kurt knew that beyond that classroom Mr. Schue didn't care at all. He had good intentions; he tried changing the mash-up competition so that the boys had now to sing songs traditionally sang by girls. For a moment Kurt thought this could be fun, but Puck had already killed his joy. He also suggested Kurt would do better spying on the Warblers. Wait a minute! Maybe he should spy on the competition. At least it would be something different. What coat did he had that could pass as a Warbler jacket?


Blaine was late. Normally he would run those stairs down to arrive sooner on the Warblers practice. But today he was feeling blue. He was the one who suggested Katy Perry's Teenage Dream to this impromptu. When he did it he was thinking of Gregory as his teenage dream. And now? How could he sing that song?


Until now Kurt's disguise was perfect. No one had asked him anything. When he entered the building a boy had even given him a package saying: "to support the Warblers." He tossed it on his bag and was now looking for directions. Maybe he should ask this guy passing him.

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