A Night of Neglect

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            There Kurt was; gorgeous as always as he distractedly checked his phone at the end of the Warblers' practice. Blaine couldn't take his eyes off him; nor could he during the whole practice. Blaine had never felt this way about nobody his whole life and he was still amazed at how he could have stayed so close to Kurt for so long without noticing that Kurt was everything he ever wanted.

Still mesmerized by the pale boy and letting all those thoughts about his best-friend take hold of him; Blaine's courage overcame his insecurities and he got closer and squeezed Kurt's hand.

Kurt jumped surprised at the touch and looked around before properly holding Blaine's hand and running his thumb at the back of it. Blaine looked from their linked hands to Kurt's eyes and smiled:


Kurt bit his lower lip in an adorable nervous way before smiling back:


It was nothing like they haven't seen each other all day long; they even had a class together. However, every little touch between them nowadays felt like a small adventure. Particularly when they were in public. Even though Dalton had the zero tolerance policy against bulling; Kurt and Blaine had unconsciously agreed to be discrete.

And there was something else; they haven't had the chance yet to talk. No words such as 'dating', 'boyfriend' or 'relationship' had been exchanged between them. Blaine didn't want to be with nobody else and he was pretty sure Kurt didn't either. Anyway, theoretically they were just friends who kissed each other. Well, best-friends who kissed each other at whatever chance they got, who called each other every day and who texted each other almost every hour; but still...

Blaine shook his head to wake from his daydream and found Kurt looking at him with the same goofy grin he was just wearing. He intertwined his fingers with Kurt's to get his attention:

"Are you free this afternoon? Want to grab a cup of coffee?"

"I'd love too."

The glow emanating from Kurt's eyes was too much for Blaine to handle and he stole a peck from Kurt's lips after having made sure they were alone. Kurt's cheeks immediately turned to an amazing share of red as Blaine guided him by the hand towards the parking lot.


Kurt was living the best week of his life: Blaine was a dream come true. Every chance they got to be alone was used for kissing and admiring each other. There hadn't been as many as Kurt would like; they were filled every day with more and more homework from the teachers at Dalton and never seemed to be much time left. Kurt didn't know if Blaine was as shy as him or if he was just respecting Kurt; but they avoided public demonstrations of affection; which restrained their time to be together for just the time when they were alone.

Kurt tried to tune it down at home as well. He knew his father was fine with him being gay; but he didn't know how much of it applied to Kurt actually having a boyfriend. Besides, Kurt wasn't even sure if Blaine was his boyfriend. They've made out and spent a lot of time just staring at each other, but they haven't gone out just the two of them since their first kiss. Kurt didn't know if Blaine counted getting coffee together as dates; well, he surely didn't. Blaine didn't had to do anything big or they didn't need to wear each other's watches; but Kurt wanted at least a word to know if he had a boyfriend or not.

Kurt opened his Facebook with the childish hope that Blaine would have marked him as boyfriend. Nothing. It was actually good; Kurt didn't want their relationship to start via Facebook. He just kept scrolling the page to try to distract himself from thinking about Blaine. He knew it was useless, but he had to try something.

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