Born This Way

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Kurt finished his homework and threw his math book rather harshly on the floor. Blaine just looked at him from behind his History book as he asked:

"Are you still mad that our duet was cut out from the nursing home presentation?"

Kurt got up and started pacing around Blaine's room while trying to avoid his boyfriend's concerned looks. He knew he was upset for something silly; but Blaine's worry made Kurt even more ashamed:

"No; I understood Thad's reasons."

Blaine put his book aside and went to hug Kurt from behind:

"It's about us not going to Nationals and you missing your friends, isn't it?"

Kurt was even more embarrassed that Blaine knew him so well. He simply sighed and let his head fall and rest on his boyfriend's shoulder. Blaine began to nuzzle his neck while whispering in his ear:

"Maybe we should see your friends more often. You know; at least part of it would be solved."

"You know I don't regret any second of transferring to Dalton and meeting you; but if it wasn't for Karofsky..."

Blaine interrupted him:

"That's exactly the problem! If it wasn't for Karofsky; I'd be the first one telling you to go back to McKinley."

Kurt turned in his embrace quite astonished. However, his expression softened as he saw Blaine's convinced face. Kurt then ran his fingers through the other's jaw while teasingly pouting:

"Wouldn't you miss me?"

Blaine chuckled:

"Like crazy! But your happiness comes in first place."

Kurt smiled and glued their lips in a sweet kiss. He was still wondering how he could be so lucky as to have such a wonderful boyfriend.


Walking Kurt to the door was never Blaine's favorite part of the day, but knowing he had his boyfriend all for himself all day long helped a lot lift Blaine's spirit. They said their farewells with a hug because his father was reading the paper in the living-room. Kurt waved a "good-bye Mr. Anderson" and Blaine watched him get into the car and drive away.

With a sigh, Blaine locked the front door and turned around to find his father standing up and looking at him with a serious face:

"Blaine, could you sit down so we can talk?"

The boy obeyed and sat on the other sofa. Mr. Anderson liked his attitude and sat down himself:

"This boy spends an awful lot of time with you, doesn't him?"

Blaine swallowed hard; he knew where this conversation would lead to. He had been trying to gather the courage he needed to tell his father about Kurt, but he wasn't entirely sure he could do it right now:

"I've already introduced him to you, father. His name is Kurt, he transferred to Dalton a few months ago and he's also a Warbler."

"I saw his uniform, Blaine. However, none of your other Dalton friends spent so many times here before. And there's something about him that doesn't make me comfortable."

Mr. Anderson had always a way to put Blaine down. Usually he would just ignore his father and hide his anger; but he found out that when Kurt was involved he no longer had control over his feelings. Blaine tried to use his most controlled voice:

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