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Blaine was very happy about Kurt being back at the school he wished. However, he couldn't deny that he missed his boyfriend like crazy. They have never texted and called each other so much. As he was in his free period at Dalton; he used the time to call Kurt.

"Hi honey"

"Hello sweetie; how are things today at McKinley?"

Kurt gave a little laugh that always made Blaine hear bells:

"It's fine; better now that I'm listening to your voice."

"I miss you too. That's why I'm calling; Wes is planning a night off for the Warblers here at Dalton and he told me to invite you. Are you free tonight?"

"For you I'm always free."

"Great! I can barely wait. A warning though; you know how annoying the Warblers can get on a night off, right?"

Kurt chuckled amused this time:

"Blaine! There wasn't that long ago since I left the Warblers..."

Blaine was a little worried:

"Yeah... But we haven't been in one of those nights since we became a couple..."

"Are you embarrassed of me, honey?"

"Never! I'm embarrassed of them. I can't believe I actually call them my friends!"

"Don't worry; I can handle them. You are not getting rid of me so easily."

Blaine chuckled:

"I won't let you go. See you tonight."

"See you."

Blaine sighed while holding the phone against his chest: he and Kurt were in a dreamy honeymoon phase for which he didn't see an end so soon. Maybe they were beginning to annoy their friends, but he couldn't care less.


Kurt was greeted at Dalton by his boyfriend waiting for him by the door. Since they were alone, he pecked Blaine on the lips and mocked:

"I still know my way around."

Blaine grinned:

"It was I that couldn't way to see you any longer. I miss seeing you daily."

Blaine grabbed Kurt by the waist and he had no other option than to whisper in his ear:

"I missed you too. So much."

They stood by the door just feeling each other's warmth for quite a while. Suddenly, a voice scared them out of their trance:

"Come on guys; this is a school. Keep it PG."

Kurt instantly turned into a bright shade of red and Blaine took to him the responsibility of defending them against his friend teases:

"Give it a break, Wes! I can deal with your mockery, but I won't allow that you do it to Kurt."

Wes faked an offended face:

"You hurt me like that, Anderson. I was just trying to avoid you two getting caught by a teacher and having to face an embarrassing situation. But okay; I'll be in my best behavior with Kurt. After all, he's the responsible for our Blaine-boy being in such a good mood lately. Can I at least compliment Kurt for finding himself a perfect gentleman?"

Another Angle - Season 2Where stories live. Discover now