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            Blaine was walking with Wes and David at the Dalton parking lot. His phone rang in his pocket and he picked it up to see who was calling. His grin made Wes look over his shoulder. Wes then turned to David:

"Well, Dave, we better get going. It's Kurt. From now on Blaine will stop paying attention to us."

Wes and David waved at Blaine who just shook his head at his friends' silliness before answering:



"Wow, somebody is happy today..."

"Wonderful news: I'm planning a wedding!"

A wedding? Who was getting married and why was Kurt so excited about it? Was it someone from McKinley? Weren't they a little too young to have friends getting married?

"That's... well, out of the blue. Who is getting married?"

"My father! Well, he wants a simple ceremony because he wants to spend the money on the honeymoon. But still; I've been planning fake weddings since I can remember and now I've got to do this for real. I'm so excited, Blaine!"

"I can tell."

"Got to go; lots to plan and I also have to prepare to move."


"We're getting a bigger house. I'll explain later. Bye."


Maybe Blaine's friends were right: he didn't remember where they've gone or how did he get to his car. When he was talking to Kurt it was like a parallel world. Not that he didn't like his friends; it's just that Kurt was like him. And yet so different. Anyway, Kurt was someone easy to talk to; someone with he didn't have to hide. Dalton had this zero tolerance towards violence; yet here Blaine was cautious with his actions. He didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable. Unlike with Kurt; with Kurt he could be fully himself.


Kurt and Burt enter home after spending the whole day looking for houses with Carole and Finn. Kurt was exhausted. Not just because they'd walked all day but also the whole Karofsky situation. Today Mr. Schuester saw part of what he does to Kurt and took Kurt to talk to Principal Sue. Kurt was worried he almost said too much. He was afraid of what Karofsky will do if he tells anyone the whole truth. But that's not the reason Kurt won't tell: he knows what it feels like to be in Karofsky's situation. He believes that Karofsky should walk out of the closet by himself, not because someone forced him out. Kurt was compassionate but he was tired of being the victim. The only person he could count on to help him now was Blaine. All he wanted to do was go to his room to see if Blaine was on-line so they could talk:

"Good night, dad. I'm going to sleep."

Burt was warming yesterday pizza in the microwave and summoned Kurt to join him:

"Wait, Kiddo, we need to talk."

It was the last thing Kurt wanted to do. He knew his father could read him pretty well. However, if he found out about all that's been happening to Kurt, he would worry too much and it couldn't be good for his health. Kurt loved his dad more than anything. Usually, he would go for him for help, but not after the heart attack. He couldn't afford to let anything happen to his father and that was why it was essential to hide his true worries:

"What's up, dad?"

Burt was looking right into Kurt's eyes:

"You are different. There's something there; don't try to hide, Kurt. We need to talk. I know it must be hard for you this whole marriage thing; but I want you to know that no one is ever going to replace your mother. And Carole knows this feeling because of all that happened to her as well."

Another Angle - Season 2Where stories live. Discover now