Prom Queen

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Kurt couldn't complain about his life right now: he was back at the school his friends were and where all the other students seemed now to ignore the fact that he was gay and just let him be. And, more importantly, he had a wonderful boyfriend with whom he have found the perfect balance so they could see each other a lot and still keep up with studies and Glee-Clubs. Everything was just going fine and Kurt was letting his mind wonder if he should ask Blaine to go to the Prom with him.

Not that he thought Blaine was ashamed of him or anything; after all, he was the one who asked to keep PDAs to a minimum. But something about appearing at his bully-full school as a couple at Prom made him think Blaine could not be totally comfortable about. Kurt always dreamed that when he found a boyfriend he'd be able to walk hand-in-hand with him and slow-dance at his Prom. Blaine grabbed his hand at whatever opportunity he got; however, slow-dancing at Prom might not be his cup of tea...

Well, if he believed he and Blaine had a solid relationship; why wouldn't he invite his boyfriend to Prom? Besides, if he never asked the answer would always be no, right? But Kurt wanted to do that face to face; he wanted to measure Blaine's reaction to be sure he wasn't forcing his boyfriend to do something he wasn't comfortable with. He decided to ask Blaine out for dinner and prop the question there. He searched for his phone and typed the message:

"Are you in for dinner with me tonight at BreadStix? My treat! XXXX"

It didn't take a full minute before Blaine's answer was flashing on his screen:

"A date with you? I'm always in! But we'll discuss the 'your treat' part. XXXX"

Kurt couldn't help but smile. At least one thing was for sure: he was in a solid relationship with the most amazing man in the universe.


Blaine sighed and let himself fall on one of Dalton's comfortable chairs. Dalton's furniture was one of the great aspects of the school. The other was that it was an all-boy school; if they ever decided to throw some sort of ball in here no one would care if the boy's dates were other boys. Most people seemed to like the fact that he and Kurt were a couple. While at McKinley...

He was lost in his worries when he saw Wes crossing him by absent-mindedly. For the first time in years, Blaine was the one surprising Wes:

"Is that long face because Lydia is not putting out for you, my dearest Wes?"

Wes' face while he jumped scared was priceless and it got Blaine instantly into a fit of laughter. However, Wes' wit was quick to come up with an appropriate reply:

"Are you the one to talk? I bet you anything as you and your boyfriend are still virgins..."

Blaine coughed and looked aside; Wes had a triumphant smirk on his face:

"Well, well grasshopper; you've still got a lot to learn from the master. But you must be seeking for my advice since you called me out of my day-dreams."

"As a matter of fact, I am. Can we go someplace quiet so we can talk?"

Wes nodded sympathetically and followed Blaine to an empty classroom. He sat down with a flourish and looked at his worried friend:

"I sense some disturbance in paradise. Tell me all that's in your heart and the Great Wes will solve your problems."

Blaine let out a little chuckle before going back to his serious state and beginning to share his thoughts with his friend:

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