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            Kurt went running downstairs to open the door to his boyfriend:

"So glad you are here!"

Blaine welcomed him in his arms but still looked puzzled:

"It's always wonderful to see you, but I'm curious as for why you needed me with such urgency here today."

"I'm auditioning for a solo at Nationals and I trust no one else's opinion to help me prepare for it."

Blaine snorted out a little laugh:

"You are such an adorable diva!"

Kurt was offended:

"It's serious Blaine; we've got lots of work to do."

"I doubt it; but let's go. What do you have in mind?"

Kurt bit his lips unsure:

"Gypsy... I have a number of "Rose's Turn" that maybe..."

Blaine interrupted him by pulling him by the waist:

"I'm not so sure about the song; but I agree on the musical. Why don't we put on the DVD to get some fresh ideas and I'll help you rehearse after?"

The way Blaine was kissing his neck was very distracting and Kurt knew they wouldn't exactly watch the DVD. Whatever, he knew that score by heart since he was a little boy; he could use some make-out time with his boyfriend to calm him for his audition. After, his determination wouldn't let his hottie distract him from rehearsing and getting that solo. Rachel could suck it; everything would come up Kurt...


Blaine was tired from being solving trigonometry problems all afternoon. Suddenly, his phone went buzzing and showing Kurt's picture on the screen. He picked up smiling:

"Hey sweetheart; only you to brighten my day after so much Math."

"Hi honey; so you've been having a bad day?"

By the way Kurt's voice sounded broken; Blaine knew his boyfriend was having a far worse day than him:

"Kurt; what's wrong? Where are you? Did someone do something to you?"

He didn't want to sound so exasperated to not worry his boyfriend; but his mind now was a horror movie showing in an incredible speed all the terrible things that could have happened to Kurt. Most of the things would leave him in a state where he couldn't possibly be calling Blaine; but this kind of detail did not matter to his stirred mind. To his relief; Kurt was quick in sighing and continuing to speak:

"I'm... fine; I mean, I'm feeling blue but there's nothing wrong with me. Besides, listening to your voice is making me calmer. Coach Sylvester's sister died and the Glee club is offering to prepare her funeral. It's kind of silly; I didn't even know her sister and I don't like Coach Sylvester that much. However..."

Blaine didn't let him finish:

"It reminded you of your mother..."

Kurt exhaled:

"Exactly. I just didn't want to cry at school and I called you to see if you could calm me down. I'm better now; I'll just go home and make a cup of tea."

Another Angle - Season 2Where stories live. Discover now