Original Song

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            Blaine sat down alone for a cup of coffee at the Lima Bean. He was still digesting what Kurt had said to him earlier: "I feel like we are 'Blaine and the Pips'." What could Blaine do? It was the council who decided who gets the solos. Surely he had a huge influence on the council being best-friends with two thirds of it. And surely that had created an enormous amount of gossiping within the Warblers. But Blaine was no diva and definitively he was no attention-seeker. Well, maybe a little...

It did feel great to have all the spotlights on him during a performance. And Kurt loved that too; Kurt was truly the diva. He had even admitted he was jealous of the attention Blaine got. It was Kurt's problem; not his. Still, this conversation was stuck in Blaine's mind and he simply couldn't get rid of it. Something about upsetting Kurt was bothering Blaine.

Blaine knew Kurt was still struggling with being a Warbler. He was always telling stories of McKinley and how the New Directions were a big family who was all about bringing everyone particularities into the light. Blaine, on the other hand, liked blending in with the Warbler's uniform. He felt safe and protected. But again, he couldn't complain because, as Kurt loved to point out, he was the lead soloist who got all the attention.

Maybe he should dare a little more; let his true colors show and walk tall like Kurt did. Blaine continued to be scared of really showing who he was; however, the last months after knowing Kurt and becoming his friend had made Blaine more proud of whom he was than ever before. Maybe it was about time he suggested the little outfit change he thought would work for Regionals.


Kurt kept looking through the bars of the cage unable to believe what laid before his eyes. Pavarotti was dead. His good little fella with whom he had shared so many confessions with was no longer between the livings. He knew it was silly to be so upset about a bird; but Pav was a symbol. He symbolized Kurt's life with the Warblers and he was also the only one Kurt could really be true about Blaine with.

It was especially more upsetting for a kid like Kurt: Pav's death brought to surface a lot of feelings that were inside Kurt since he was seven. This year, more than others, Kurt felt like he was losing everything he held dear: his father heart-attack (that was also an awful reminder of Kurt's mother absence); being away from his friends and his school and now losing that one thing that made him truly feel like a Warbler.

Kurt ran for his wardrobe to find the right outfit to mourn his little companion. He would make sure Pavarotti was not forgotten and that he had the perfect funeral; just like he deserved. Kurt felt vulnerable; he knew he was letting all his protective walls tumble down. However, he couldn't care less; Kurt was all pain and grief. All he could think about was to honor his death friend and the rest was the rest.


Blaine sighed in relieve when he saw Wes alone in a classroom:

"Wes, thank God, I need to talk to you."

Wes friendly smiled and pointed out to an empty chair:

"By all means, Blaine-boy; I'm all ears."

Blaine sat down and took a deep breath before looking his friend in the eye and confessing:

"I'm in love with Kurt."

Wes didn't say a word as he stood up and walked toward the door with a bored expression. Blaine was confused by his attitude and called him out:

Another Angle - Season 2Where stories live. Discover now