The Substitute

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Kurt was doing the dishes when his phone rang:


"Kurt? It's Blaine. Listen, I need you."

Kurt's heart started beating really fast. What Blaine meant by that? Did Blaine...He should stay calm; keep himself together and... say something, for crying out loud:


"It's this family thing I have to go and my mother reminds me of it 24/7. She won't stop talking about how important it is for me to make a good impression. It's like she is obsessed. Would you help me figure out an outfit?"

Oh! Blaine just needed fashion advice. Kurt really shouldn't nurture so much expectations about Blaine feeling something else about him. He was glad he now had a friend like him to talk to. Even if Blaine wasn't the stereotypical gay, he still understood Kurt better than nobody.

"Sure Blaine, you are sometimes helpless when it comes to fashion."

"I'll thank you for the help and pretend I didn't hear that last comment. Could you come over tomorrow? Maybe we'll need to go shopping..."

"Awesome!" He shouldn't sound so excited. "I mean... I love shopping."

"See you tomorrow then."


            Blaine was absent-minded during the whole Warblers' practice. He didn't even notice when Wes approached him at the end of rehearsal:

            "So, Blaine, do you want to come with me to buy sheet music for sectionals?"

            He was taken by surprise:

            "What? But I'm not even in the council."

            "Come on, it's no official mission. It's just that Lydia has to rehearsal for her play and David is having a date with his girlfriend tonight. I just wanted some company."

            "Sorry, I'm hanging out with Kurt tonight. He's helping me pick an outfit for that family reunion I told you."

            Wes gave him a crooked smile:

            "Kurt as in that kid that came to spy on us the other day? Are you guys going out?"

            "We sort of became friends. It's nice to talk to someone like me."

            "Just friends?"

            "Come on! Don't be silly!"

            "Pity; I liked him."


Sue was the new principal. Mr. Schue was sick. Rachel was trying to take over the Glee Club and Kurt had to figure out a way to make amends with Mercedes because they had settled to go bowling and he had forgotten. But nothing mattered: Blaine had asked him to hang out.

            Mercedes keeps asking if he and Blaine were together. Just because the two of them are gays does it mean they can't be best friends? Sure Kurt's got a crush on him; but now having someone to talk to outside McKinley was the most important thing. Besides, he made Blaine promise they wouldn't talk about Glee Clubs; he didn't want people saying that Blaine was just approaching him to spy on the New Directions. It wasn't anything like Rachel and Jesse; Blaine is really Kurt's friend and no one can deny it.


            As soon as Kurt arrived at the Anderson's, Blaine pull him by the hand to his room and opened the closet:

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