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"I can't believe you are really doing that, Blaine. And worse, dragging me with you!"

            "What's the matter, Kurt? You also heard what your old coach said: we need to work on the Warblers sex-appeal."

            "No Blaine; it's you that don't understand: that woman is deranged!"

            Blaine chuckled. How could he be chuckling while Kurt was so furious? Ok, Kurt knew he wasn't as furious as he was scared; but for Blaine he would say it was rage not embarrassment. Blaine held the doorknob of the Warblers' meeting room and turned to Kurt:

            "Kurt, she has a point not matter what. Besides, I already called the emergency meeting and they are all waiting for us. Will you join me?"

            Kurt sighed and nodded. Blaine gave him a small smirk and opened the door. They walked in and were greeted by all the other Warblers looking curiously at them. Thad cleared his throat and announced the beginning of the emergency meeting. He signed Blaine he could talk.

            "Fellow Warblers, me and Kurt ran into Kurt's old coach who is now coaching Aural Intensity. She gave us information that the New Directions are training to be sexy because, apparently, the judges will score extra points for that."

            Trent looked uncomfortable in his chair and started adjusting himself in it before asking for permission to talk:

             "Excuse me, but isn't that spying? Isn't that wrong? I don't know if I'm comfortable getting advantage of that information..."

            Blaine looked at him with the wide eyes he used when trying to make a point:

            "But Trent, the other groups we'll be competing against had access to information we didn't. It will be unfair against us. If Kurt didn't know someone at McKinley; the other two groups would have extra punctuations for things we didn't even know were being availed."

            Kurt was getting more and more anxious; Blaine had no idea of what Sue Sylvester was capable of and simply wouldn't listen to him. He raised his finger and coughed to catch the attention:

            "If I may? Coach Sylvester might be playing tricks on us; she's capable of that. The rumors that she pushed the former coach of Aural Intensity down the stairs are probably true. I know her and what she did to the New Directions. We shouldn't change all of our routine one week before regionals just because of what she said. She may be trying to push us down."

            Wes looked at Kurt with a friendly smile:

            "Well Kurt, we'll take that into consideration. However, Blaine does have a point: it wouldn't hurt to work on the Warblers' sex-appeal, just in cases."

            David gave them a smirk:

            "I'd suggest we try an impromptu presentation for the girls of our sister school Crawford Country Day."

            Thad tried to restore the order:

            "Very well, all in favor of the impromptu performance please raise your hands."

            He gave a look around and saw that almost all the Warblers had their hands raised. Wes hit his gavel:

            "It's decided then. If no one opposes, I'd suggest Blaine and Kurt get the lead solos of Animal by Neon Trees like they sang on that exercise the other day."

Another Angle - Season 2Where stories live. Discover now