New York

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            "You're going to spend an awful lot of time away."

Kurt smiled at his boyfriend pouting comfortably spread around his bed. He put more items on his suitcase and approached Blaine:

"I know honey; but there's no way I could not go."

"I'm not asking that. It's just that I'll miss you a lot. I wish I could be there with you or something. It's good to have a boyfriend; especially when said boyfriend is you."

Kurt smiled and crawled over Blaine:

"I'll miss you more than you can imagine."

There was so much more that Kurt wanted to say with that little sentence. He wished Blaine could guess how much he missed him every day; how he thought of going back to Dalton just to be with him. Simply put: Kurt knew he was in love but was too scared to say it to Blaine. He had spent so many times this year making things up in his mind about Blaine that now he needed to be careful. Things were wonderful and Kurt didn't want to scare him away with a word said on the wrong time.

Kurt's hopes were high about summer time; he would see Blaine more often and their relationship would change for the better. Maybe before the time they would have to go back to school Kurt would have managed the courage to confess his true feelings. Tonight, the eve before Kurt was leaving town, he would just enjoy Blaine's company and relax in his embrace.


Blaine was glad he had so much to study for Dalton; this way he had less time to miss Kurt. He was very proud of his boyfriend for being in New York competing at the Nationals Show Choir competition; but he was also a little jealous and feeling lonely. Wes and David were about to graduate and then Dalton would finish its transformation from best school in the world to a place to remember people who moved away. Blaine was less than enthusiastic about that...

To brighten his day; his phone started buzzing announcing a call from Kurt.

"Hi handsome; it's so good to hear your voice."

"Blaine! I can't stop thinking about you: New York is fantastic and I spend all the time wishing you were here with me to see the things I'm seeing."

Blaine smiled fondly:

"I miss you every minute too; Dalton is kind of empty without you."

"Aw honey; that's so sweet. But let me tell about the things I'm seeing around here: everything is so perfect and people seem much more... how I can put it... civilized! Now; I'm whiling to see 5th Avenue and Broadway to make my trip almost perfect. Because, you know, it would just be perfect if you were here."

"Let's make a deal: I'll take you one day to New York and take you to a Broadway show."

Blaine could hear the smile in Kurt's voice:

"That would be dreamy. I'll hold you to that."

"You can: it would be dreamy for me too."

Kurt emitted a high squeak:

"Blaine; there's a gay couple holding hands on the street right now and no one is casting them a dirty look! I so want to move here..."

"Why don't I move in with you and I can hold your hand."

"I'm being serious, Blaine."

Another Angle - Season 2Where stories live. Discover now