My dad gay
It was a beautiful evening, more beautiful than the ones you and Kylo had spent making love in the front yard of your apartment complex. You dreamed of moving into a lovely new home with wide bay windows to watch the outdoors in, but Kylo loved the simple apartment life. Your differences were challenging to overcome at times, especially because of your needs and his desires. See, he wanted you to act like a large old man named Hubert while you made love, but you found it was much easier to get off when he called you Earnest. You loved it more than anything in the world, it made you melt in your skin. Literally, doctors couldn't figure out what the hell was wrong with you after he fucked you and called you Earnest.
One night in particular, though, things were getting intense with the arguments.
"I just don't see why you can't get off by me saying 'Hubert'. I really don't, it's hot as hell," Kylo says as he runs his palm through his hair. He pulls his clothes back on after another failed attempt to smash in front of the apartment building. You sigh and hunch over, scratching your head.
"Why not just call me Earnest? It's not hard. Hubert doesn't give me the same fluttery feeling."
Kylo sighs even louder and falls back onto the concrete as if it were grass.
"Come here," he says, waving his hand towards you. You follow his request and sit right next to him with his arm around your waist.
"I love yo, I really do, but there's a certain connotation around Hubert that makes me nut faster than that dude with the monocle and top hat who's always on those peanut jars. You know who I'm talking about."
You nod enthusiastically. You loved that guy."Don't get me wrong, love, Earnest is hot as fuccccck. That was my great great grandpa's name."
You raise your eyebrows in amazement, a smile on your face.
"But Hubert was my GREAT grandpa's name. It's closer than Earnest. It makes me hornier."
You pause and lay down by him, running your hand over his w I d e chest.
"Why not just call me.... say..."
Kylo swallows. He knows what's coming. (And it wasn't just him!)
"Anakin," you whisper. He moans loudly and NUTS IN HIS PANTS. (Wait he's not fucken weArIng p ants)
"No! Th-That works too... Too well," Kylo groans as he wipes the nut off of his leg. He coughs slightly and cups your cheek with his nut hand, the white p ee on your face.
"Please just let me call you Hubert," he asks. You bite the inside of your mouth and think.
"Only if I can call you Jarjar... And can you act like him too? With the speech and all?"
You noticed his dick get TEN TIMES HARDER.
"MEESA HORNY, HUBERT!" He cries out as he thrusts his hips forward, his misshapen peepee hitting the back of your throat as you cry and g a g violently on it.
"J-ar jAr!" You moan out as you reach your E X T R A long NOODLE ARMS along his C H E ST.
"Yes Hubert!"
"Use the force on my dicc."
Kylo nods and twitches his fingers, firm hands groping your cucumber AGGRESSIVELY, cutting off ALL CIRCULATION. It turns purple and falls off. You moan and o r gasm as this happens. Kylo- jarjar- nuts in your THROAT AND YOU CHOKE. (You live tho)