How It Used To Be

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Bri's P.O.V.

Steam covered the perimeters of the bathroom as I sank into the hot soapy water of the bathtub. White, frothy bubbles surrounded my body as Owol's song 'Nuna' played in the background. Exhaling, I relaxed my body even further and closed my eyes, just enjoying the blissfulness of-

My eyes immediately opened when I heard the sound of heavy footsteps imprinting the floor downstairs. I quickly sat up in the bath as my heart started to thud a little quicker. Suddenly, the sound of the footsteps seems to become louder. Wait, were they coming upstairs? They were. I could tell from the squeak of the steps.

"Shit," I muttered to myself before nervously hoping out of the tub and wrapping a white towel around my torso.

I slowly tiptoed towards the door and pressed my ear against it to hear them. It was silent. Too silent.

"Oh god, no," I whispered as my eyes scanned the area of the cluttered bathroom.

I then instinctively grabbed hold of the hairdryer which was placed on the messy side table before inching my hand towards the door handle and twisting it slowly. I closed my eyes and took another breath.

"Calm down Bri," I muttered under my breath. "Just stay calm..."

I had finally managed to open the door all the way so reached my head out to look both ways. I then noticed that my bedroom door was wide open. I could have sworn that I had left it only open ajar. Gulping down my anxiousness, I slowly and steadily creeped over towards my bedroom with the hairdryer still securely close to my body, my sweaty palms gripped around the device. More and more I drew nearer to the burglar as I entered the bedroom. There he was. His back was towards me as he fiddled through the drawers of my dressing table. What was this guy doing? Letting out a shaky breath, I turned my brave mode on before jogging over to the man and whacking him on the back with my hairdryer.


I paused at the sound of his voice as I lowered my weapon. Then he peered up at me.

"Suga?" I whispered in shock.

"Urgh, seriously?! A hairdryer!"

I cupped my hands to my mouth as my eyes began to sting.

"Suga!" I cried, leaping into his arms with him managing to catch me just in time for my legs to wrap around his waist.

Before he could say anything I pressed my lips onto his, giving him a well awaited kiss.

"Oh my god! What are you doing back so soon!" I laughed, kissing him once again.

"We had to stop the tour early because of problems at our last destination," he explained, still holding onto me.

"And you never said anything?? Yoongi, I thought you were a burglar!"

"Aren't you happy I'm not," he grinned, placing my back down onto my feet and nuzzling his face into my neck. "Urgh, you have no idea how much I missed you Bri. These tours are the death of me, I swear."

"I missed you too. Three months is way too long," I said.

"Hmm," Yoongi hummed as he raised an eyebrow at my appearance. "Did I interrupt your shower?"

I then remembered that I was in my towel. "Bath, actually. Thanks a lot by the way. Anyways, it's probably turned lukewarm now and not relaxing at all."

I watched as my boyfriend released a small chuckled as he fiddled with my fingers.

"Having a bath in the middle of the night is strange anyway."

"I wasn't tired," I smiled lightly.

"So does that mean I get a no to snuggling in bed with you?"

"I guess it does," I smirked. I was about to walk away from him when I suddenly felt his arms wrap around my waist from behind, my back pressed against his clothed chest.

"You sure about that?" Suga mumbled as he pressed a soft kiss to my jaw.

"Yep," I teased whilst he started guiding my towards the bed.

"You're a bad liar," he said, nibbling on my earlobe.

"I'm not," I giggled as I finally found myself sat on the comfy mattress in Suga's arms. "You really want to snuggle?"

"Yeah... Or maybe something else?" he smiled cheekily.

"You're lucky I hate you so much," I smirked before he latched his lips onto mine and kissed me passionately...

*6 months later*

That's how it used to be...

I miss the way Yoongi and I were before the rumours took over. Now our relationship is just filled with tension and lies because of one person. One person who is not important to our lives. Yes, he still loves me and he tells me everyday and I still care for him like I've never cared for anyone else but we are not stable anymore. We're caught in a lie. And all I want to do is escape.

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