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"Is this too much?" I asked my boyfriend as I walked into our kitchen. I wanted to get his opinion on my outfit for today's meeting with his parents since I wanted to make a good impression. Yoongi looked up from his current position sitting at the table, midway through eating some noodles from a tub causing me to roll my eyes. "Really? You're eating? I thought your parents were cooking for us."

Staring intensely at him, I watched as he slurped up the mouthful of noodles he had. "I'm a nervous eater," he told me.

"I wouldn't have guessed," I replied, sarcasm dripping from my tongue.

After finishing the last of his snack, Yoongi opened his arms out, ushering me to sit on his lap so I did just that, him curving his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You look beautiful," he said.

Smiling lightly, I leaned my head back to peck his cheek as a thank you before resting my back onto his chest.

"You're still worried then?" I asked, my eyes wandering over towards the now empty tub of noodles.

"Hmm," he hummed silently.

"...Do you think they'll like me?..." I trailed off slowly.

"I hope so."

Suga's P.O.V.

"I hope so," I responded.

In all honesty, I had no clue how they would react. They could barely support their own son so how would they care for a stranger? Especially since Bri isn't originally from Korea. I tried to distract my negative thoughts by looking around the room, my eyes finally landing on the clock plaed o the white wall.

"Shit," I hissed, immediately standing up without even thinking about my girlfriend on my lap.

"Yoongi! I almost fell over-"

"We're late," I interrupted, rushing over to grab my jacket and tossing Bri her one on the way.

Bri looked at the clock too, cursing just as I did.

"I could have sworn it was half six like five minutes ago," she said, pulling her shoes on.

"And now it's ten past seven. We're ten minutes late."

After finishing tying my laces, I grabbed my keys and left the house towards the car. As soon as I knew it, Bri and I were finally on our way to my parents.

"Will they be mad?" Bri asked me.

"Only if mum's food turns cold." I pressed my foot down on the peddle, accelerating the car more and more by the minute. "Shit," I muttered again, however my curses soon calmed down once feeling a delicate hand on my own.

"Hey," Bri spoke. "It's okay. Don't be worried."

"You don't understand. This is my one chance to make a good impression and then I end up being late!"

Noticing that I was angry, Bri never said a word. The only things close to words was the feel of her thumb gently stroking the back of my hand as I grasped hold of the steering wheel. I knew that this was her way of saying "I'm here for you". She never had to say anything to let me know that and that's why I'm so honoured to call her mine.

After another ten minutes we finally arrived at my parents' address and exited the car. I peered up at the house of nostalgia and gulped. This is really happening.

"Come on," Bri said. "We're late enough as it is."

With that said, we walked over towards the house and rang the doorbell.

Caught in a Lie | Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now