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*6 months earlier*

Bri's P.O.V.

Giggling, I hung like a koala on Yoongi's back as he clung onto my legs with his hands, giving me a piggyback up to the studio doors.

"You're so lazy," my boyfriend told me as he walked into the building.

"Oh, I'm the lazy one," I retorted. "Do you even know who you are?"

"Shut up."

I only smirked at his comeback, placing little butterfly kisses on his left cheek before he placed me back down onto the ground once seeing the someone walk up to us.

"Eww, you two are sickening," Jimin mentioned as he pulled me into a warm bear hug.

We haven't seen each other since they left for tour so of course I missed my best friend and he missed his.

"Don't be jealous," I warned. "It's an ugly colour on you."

Jimin only giggled at my comment before we made our way into their recording/writing studio where the other guys were currently located. As Jimin took a seat on the sofa and Suga on the swivelly chair, my eyes flicked over to a familiar face walking over to us. I couldn't help but smile at who it was as he mirrored my actions before holding his arms out.

"Miss me?" Jungkook grinned.

Nodding, I fell into his arms and I hugged him tightly. Mine and Jungkook's relationship wasn't rocky like it was a year and a half ago. We've all matured and grown up a little and he's able to accept mine and Yoongi's relationship. I was happy that Yoongi wasn't as jealous as he used to be either. He was pretty chilled about my friendship with Jungkook and because of that I would consider him one of my best friends.

"Of course I did! I missed all of you so much," I replied after pulling away from the hug.

"You must be happy we're back early," J Hope joined.

"I scared Bri," Suga laughed suddenly as he manoeuvred his arms to link around my waist, pulling me onto his lap and into his chest. "She was taking a bath and heard me but she thought I was an intruder and whacked me on the back several times with the hairdryer."

As the others laughed, I shook my head in shame.

"How could you even think that?" V chuckled. "You live in like the safest area and live with Yoongi. If you lived on your own then thinking it was an intruder would be understandable."

V was right. Suga and I have been living together for months now so  should have guessed it was him really. In all honesty, ever since I've been living with him I had to admit that it's been the best months ever. Getting to wake up next to the love of my life every morning was worth every moment.

"It's hard to believe you've been together for so long," Namjoon mentioned. "Soon enough you'll be having kids."

Did he just say kids?

I figured that Yoongi must have been thinking the same thought as me from the expression n his face. He noticed that I had  bent my head back to look into his eyes so replaced his thought engrossed expression with a simple smile, his fingers linking with my own in a reassuring manner. I didn't trust him one bit.

"Oh no. Have I made things awkward?" Namjoon continued.

Snapping our eyes away from one another, we peered over at the leader before shaking our heads.

"No, don't worry," Yoongi responded.


"You really fooled Namjoon back then," I spoke.

A few hours had passed and it was only Yoongi and I left in the studio. Some of the others had gone home and the rest were practicing their choreography elsewhere.


"You know what I'm taking about," I continued on as I wandered around the room, casually running my fingers against the objects on the side.

"I do?"

"Yes," I said. Yoongi still looking confused, I let out a short sigh and walked over to him. "You know... The whole baby situation..."

As a trailed my words, I noticed that Yoongi tried averting his eyes from my own and cleared his throat.

"Oh yeah..."

"Hmm, now you remember." After lingering for another moment, I took a seat by his side and stared over at my boyfriend. "Why did you lie to him? You were obviously overthinking the whole situation."

He only shrugged his shoulders smally. "Okay, I admit that he made it awkward for me. It's just that I've never really thought about it properly before."

"...What are you thinking now...?"

I felt his fingers intertwine with mine as he reach over to hold onto my hand gently.

"I'm thinking that one day we should have a big family," he told me.

I couldn't control the smile on my face as I leaned in a little closer.

"How big?"

"Really big. I need kids to carry on my legacy, right?" he smirked. "And we'll definitely be sure to have good looking babies because of you."

I blushed slightly, trying to hide it.

"But not yet," I explained causing him to nod. "I still have my youth to live."

Smiling at me, Yoongi stroked the back of my hand with his hand lovingly. How did I get so lucky?

"Is dinner with your parents still on for tomorrow?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I suppose..." he sulked.

Frowning, I gave him a worried look. "Hey, pouty. What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well you know how I feel about them. They're more appreciative of me now but it's still hard being around them sometimes with everything in the past."

I remembered the stories Yoongi used to tell me about his relationship with his family and how they were never always supportive of his talent. They never wanted him to make a career from the music industry and when he disobeyed his parents they looked down on him. Of course, this was years ago so things have patched up but Yoongi always kept that small hole in his heart. Not even I could fill it when it came to wanting the love of his mother and father.

"I know," I whispered. "But you've come so far and they still love you. You're their son. And if they don't see what an amazing star you are then I'll make sure to show them."

Please let tomorrow go well.

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