Chapter 1 - Annoying But Good

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It was just another typical Monday morning. H, Carly, Pearl and KC were getting ready for school. They were mostly tired but at the same time, they just didn't want to go. KC didn't mind though!

Once everyone was out of their pyjamas and in their everyday clothes, they went into the living room to eat breakfast. They had toast but everyone pretty much had different drinks. H and Gidget didn't have one, Carly had a strawberry smoothie, Pearl had orange juice, KC had milk and Bob had apple juice.

Knock! Kno-
It was probably Jimmy, Emilia, Tea Party and TicToc waiting for them at the door. For some reason Jimmy always cut out mid-knock as if trying not to be rude. "I'll get it!" chirped Carly. She was still not happy going to school after the weekend, but she liked spending time with her friends so she didn't let school stop her from doing so.

H, Pearl and KC were amazed at how fast Carly had eaten her breakfast and tried to do the same but were a lot slower. "Hurry up! I'm already done!" Carly shouted from outside.

The other 3 came walking out the door 2 minutes later, bored. H wore his headphones on his ears meanwhile Pearl was fiddling with a tac. "So, are we gonna go?" Jimmy asked. "Yah!" Carly replied.

They walked up the street and round the corner, then along some more and so on, until they arrived at the school gates. Their schools were right next to each other on the same grounds. "I hate how it's only us who go to grade school now," Tea Party said to KC. "Well yeah... I guess...." she replied. The two walked into their part of the school.

Meanwhile the other 6 were already in their school at their classes getting ready to start, all except H, who was standing in the corridor outside the classroom listening to music.
People hurried into the classroom in a stampede, rushing to their seats.
Soon after, the teacher, Ms De Nile walked into class. Jimmy and Emilia thought she was the worst teacher ever, but none of their friends could relate to their 'pain'. They were in English while Carly was in art.

Jimmy and Emilia wanted to be video game testers for tv, like Ginx, or something similar. Carly didn't know what she wanted to be so she picked her favourite or the classes she was best at. Art was her favourite.

"Sit down everyone!" Ms De Nile shouted from across the largely spaced out room. The students in return did as they were told because the knew they would get in trouble if they didn't. Jimmy had put The Silver Eyes into his school bag that morning because he wanted to read over the amazing book. He was sitting reading it when Ms De Nile called on him. "Jimmy what are you reading? Trash?" She asked. "Um...." Jimmy's face went bright red.

For some reason, some teachers never let people read or draw with there own things, mainly just Ms De Nile.

"Oh look everyone! Let's all take today's lesson to help Jimmy read his book!" she grabbed out out of his hands and told everyone to bring their chairs out to the front. "Jimmy you go first, you idiot," she ordered. "Okay! Just a paragraph?" His face went even redder. "What do you think? From the beginning!" she was a very annoying teacher! "Um ok."

"He sees me.
Charlie dropped to her hands and knees. She was wedged behind a row of arcade games, cramped in the crawlspace between the consoles and the wall, tangled electrical cords and useless plugs strewn beneath her. She was cornered: the only way out was past the thing, and she wasn't fast enough to make it. She could see him stalking back and forth, catching flickers of movement as he passed before the gaps between the games. There was scarcely enough room to move, but she tried to crawl backward. Her foot caught on a cord and she stopped, contorting herself to carefully dislodge it. She heard the clash of metal on metal and the farthest console rocked back against the wall. He hit it again, shattering the display, then attacked the next, crashing against them almost rhythmically, tearing through the machinery, coming closer. I have to get out, I have to! The panicked thought was of no help; there was no way out. Her arm ached, and she wanted to sob aloud. Blood was soaking through the tattered bandage, and it seemed as though she could feel it draining out of her."

Jimmy loved the book but he was so embarrassed that he looked like he had just got sunburnt in the face and he dipped his head down into his hands to save his tears from being shown. "It's okay, Jimmy," Emilia repeated.

Meanwhile, Carly was with her other friends Emma, Aria, Leila and Luna. They got told to draw their favourite celebrity, so Carly ended up drawing Yammy, her favourite YouTuber. Emma really liked The Pals, a group of roblox YouTubers, especially Alex. She even dyed her hair purple because of him, so she drew him. Aria drew Fall Out Boy because she loved their songs. Leila drew Denis Daily because she, too, loved The Pals, but not as much as Emma. Finally, Luna drew Mat Pat because her favourite videos to watch were Game Theory.

They were allowed to either draw band logos, actual people, original characters, profile pictures etc. Luna drew a kiddy drawing of Mat Pat's original character. Aria drew the Fall Out Boy band logo. Leila drew Denis' Robloxian. Emma also drew a Robloxian but it was Alex'. Carly drew Yammy's profile picture. That was why it was Carly's favourite class.

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