Chapter 15 - College, here we come!

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It was late August when Jimmy, Emilia and Carly were driving up to college for the first time. Jimmy was in the drivers seat, Emilia in the passengers seat and Carly in the back.
"Ooh! I'm so excited!" Carly squealed.
"Yeah, but I'm also kinda nervous.." Jimmy smiled awkwardly.
"It's okay, it's new! Everyone feels the same!" Carly replied, cheering him up. Soon after, they arrived.

It had been a 55 minute drive so the fresh air felt nice. Since it was still technically summer, the sun was shining bright. Carly jumped out of the car. She was wearing her hair down but curled. She wore a pink shirt, which she had knotted at the bottom, and denim shorts with a pair of sandals. Emilia stepped out too and took a breath. Her hair was in two french pleats and she wore a turquoise play suit and slip on shoes.
"I wonder where our dorm is from here." She wondered out loud.
"Well I've got the dorm info so we'll just have to use that." replied Carly.
"Mine is right across from yours as well so we're all together." Jimmy cheered.

After what felt like ages, they found their rooms. Emilia took out her key and started unlocking the lock. Jimmy did the same.
"I think my roommate is already in so I'll catch up with you guys later. Bye!"

They walked inside to a small, open plan kitchen. It had a counter which had dining stools on one side, while to the right was the oven, fridge etc. It went in an L shape, the stools facing the back of the room. Behind that was a hallway which presumably led to the bedrooms and the bathroom. To the left was a decent sized living room with two couches, one against the wall and the other with it's back to the kitchen. A tv sat against one of the walls closest to the back of the room.

"I wanna see my room!" Carly chirped. She ran down the hallway to the furthest away room. Inside was a bed, about the size of her own, against the right wall. In front of her was a desk and chair with lots of desktop space. As she walked in further, she saw a tv across from her bed on top of a set of drawers. Next to that was a cupboard that both her and Emilia could stand in x2!
"Well then, I've got loads of space!" She said, just loud enough that Emilia could hear. Her room was the same but facing a different direction. In the middle was a bathroom that could be locked on both sides, as both rooms had a door each. Both of them unpacked and prepared their bags for the next day full of classes.

Meanwhile, Jimmy was looking for his roommate.
"Hello?" He asked, sounding nervous.
"Oh hi!" A boy popped out of one of the bedrooms. "You must be Jimmy!"
Jimmy nodded.
"I'm John. Nice to meet you!" He smiled.
"You too! I guess you've already picked your room..."
"Well, yeah.... but they're both the same. We can switch if you want," offered John.
"No thanks it's fine." Jimmy smiled back.
"You know, it might sound weird to you, but my sister calls herself John a lot."
"Really? Why?"
"Well, basically there is this girl who was swapped with her when she was a baby. My replacement sister was kinda crazy and weird so now she calls everyone, apart from me and my friend H, by fake names. Most of them are the wrong gender actually!"
"That's.... really weird. What's your sister's name?" John asked, giggling.
"Well her real name is Camomile but we call her Tea Party because, well.... tea. And party because she's crazy, not literally though. She's just excitable."
"Right.... okay. That's kinda cute actually. You can tell me more about your friends later but right now, why don't I help you unpack? Then we could maybe walk around campus together so that we know the way around!" John suggested.
"Sure, sounds fun! What are you studying for?"Jimmy asked.
"Music: specifically orchestra. I don't know why but I have an interest in it. What about you?"
"Gaming. It's been a hobby my whole life. Actually, most of the time it's with my best friend Emilia who is staying right across from us with our other friend Carly! We're kinda all best friends. I hope it doesn't change anything knowing that most of my best friends are girls, all but one." Jimmy kind of frowned.
"Make that two," John smiled, going in for a handshake. Jimmy accepted and they left together to explore campus.

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