Chapter 11 - More Plans?

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This chapter is gonna be kinda short... Sorry.

As the 3 walked across the street, a car pulled up at the pavement in front of Carly. She opened the door and climbed in. "Hi!" She smiled. Luna had wrapped her arm around her shoulder as she climbed in. Leila was sitting in the front passengers seat while her mum was driving.

Luna's black, almost blue hair was in two small ponytails that just tumbled over her shoulders. She wore a dark pink-ish purple jumper and turquoise shorts with black tights. On her feet were her usual light brown boots with white fluff inside. It had been her who had phoned Carly earlier. Over her light blue eyes sat a pair of neon sunglasses.

Leila had her brown almost ginger hair in a pleat which had been held back by a black hair band, but some strands still fell beside her ears. Her eyes were also being covered by neon sunglasses, which Carly couldn't figure out if they were prescription or not, considering that a lot of the time Leila wore brown rimmed glasses that Carly also didn't know if they was prescription or not. She also wore a pink dress with purple roses on it and a light pink cardigan over it, with black leggings and almost school like black shoes.

Leila looked a lot like her mum, who's name was Katrina. She had brown hair that was slightly darker than Leila's and she had the same green eyes.

"So, are we good?" Katrina asked. "WAIT!!!" Luna screamed. Katrina nodded weirdly. "Here!" Luna handed Carly a pair of the same neon sunglasses. "Ok! We're good now!" Luna laughed. Everyone giggled and Katrina headed out of the car park.

Once they arrived at the local shopping center, the three girls jumped out of the shiny blue car and headed towards Forbidden Planet. The things that stood out inside was a shelf of Steven Universe Pop Figures, BATIM Pop Figures, Create a Pop Figure 's (sorry for all the Pops, I just find then the most interesting in Forbidden Planet), Black Butler, Nisekoi, Sailor Moon and FNAF & BATIM posters.

Somehow, Carly had asked Emilia and Rosalina for money and got about $500 so, she bought all Steven Universe's (Steven, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Connie, Rose, Peridot, Lapis, Lion, and even Pink Diamond!), all BATIM's, a FNAF poster of Mangle, Toy Chica, Marionette, Circus Baby and Ballora for girls night and a BATIM 'Under The Stars' fan-poster, 3 girl Create a Pop Figure 's, Nisekoi, Sailor Moon and Black Butler DVD's. All together it was around $178 dollars.

Leila got all of the Steven Universe's while Luna got Black Butler and Niskoi manga and DVD's.

Next, they went into Hot Topic. No one really saw much but all 3 of them got a Stevonnie Pop Figure each.

After that, they decided to go to Menkind. They each got Harry Potter robes to use to cosplay somewhere, and Carly and Luna got a slushie machine each.

"Aw man, look at all this stuff!" Luna said, lifting her two medium sized bags. Then, Leila stopped to put hers down for a moment. She had 2 large bags. "Really? Its too heavy?" Carly asked, weirded out by her friend's strength. Leila nodded in return. The other two laughed, Leila eventually joining in.

By the time they were back in the car, it was around 18:20 so they decided to go back to Leila's to get some food. "Wait! One quick stop first!" Katrina explained. "What-" Carly started. "Oh right! Lola was at a friend's birthday party today, we have to pick her up!"
"Ooooooooh! Right!" Luna and Carly remembered about Lola.

Lola was Leila's 5 year old sister with ginger hair and green eyes. She usually wore some sort of really nice white dress and really liked daisies, so she usually had one in her hair.

They arrived at their stop and Katrina quickly went inside to collect Lola.
Hand in hand, they got in the car a few minutes later.
"Carly! Luna!" Lola shouted in excitement as she climbs over the two to hug them. Luna had moved everyone's bags onto Lola's seat so they had to move them all. Carly helped her fasten her seat belt and within a few minutes, they arrived at their destination.

Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be writing again so don't worry. I kinda Just feel like I cant concentrate unless I'm in bed in the dark so.......I'm sorry! Anyway, hope you enjoyed! I so badly want the Stevonnie pop figure but Hot Topic isn't in the UK and she is Hot Topic exclusive so I cant any time soon. 😫
See yah! ;3

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