Chapter 2 - Lunch!

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After all of the classes full of humiliation, it was time for lunch! Jimmy and Emilia took a small walk down the street to Dominos where they got a vegetable pizza and a drink of Diet Coke each. Carly and her friends also went out, but they went to a small cafe down the street which sold things like soup, sandwiches and what not. They all ended up getting afternoon tea to share and they split the $25 between the 5 of them. They thought it would be too much to get 2 so they only got one, only, Carly and Emma were the only ones who actually liked the tea so the other girls got hot chocolate. After all, it was cold outside.

Once inside, Carly unwrapped her pink and black fluffy scarf from around her neck and she removed the black beanie from atop her head. The cafe was quite small. There were 4 booths (2 on each side), around 5 tables of 4-6 in the middle, a sparkling white counter with drinks machines at the back and two doors beside the counter, one leading to the toilets and the other to the kitchen. The front doors chimed as Carly and Emma saw the door swing open and Luna, Leila and Aria burst through the door. They had raced the whole way there, but the two who won just really wanted lunch. Aria went up to the counter, pushing her long brown hair out of her face. "Hi ma'am what can I do for you?" The woman at the counter asked, smiling right at Aria. "Um, oh, yes. Can I please order 1 afternoon tea and 3 hot cocoa's please," she replied awkwardly.

"Man, I didn't think she was so awkward," Carly whispered to Leila. Luna and Emma overheard too. "I know right? She's actually not. It's just the woman giving her the stare!" Leila replied. "Yeah she's usually the one being like 'I can sing outloud in public, it's not just Carly! I love cute things and my special boy band Fall Out!'" Luna joked, while fake hugging a poster of the band and laughing a lot. "Oh, here she's comes!"

"Lunch is done in a sec!" Aria announced. Carly and Luna both had the same mind and sarcastically clapped and cheered (if that even works). "Cause we could be immortals," Luna heard in a quiet singing tone. Her and Carly looked at each other. "Immortals!" Carly shouted. "What," she asked as she was straws at, "did I hear you wrong?"
"No, I just wasn't expecting you to yell." Lune replied. Carly laughed. "Bee-T-Dubs, I love your voice, like I know we've been friends for ages but still it's just cute and innocent!"

Carly started giggling for no reason, and soon, they were having a laugh attack. "Table number 2!" Called the woman at the counter. They sat at a booth because... why not - they could all fit. Besides, it was quite big anyway. "I'll get it!" Leila offered, holding up a brown plastic tray to put the cups on. "Yeah, and I'll get the food!" Carly added.

Soon after, they were well into their food... just at the scones. Carly had piled hers with the sauces. One half was jam the other, fluffy cream. Her tea was pretty warm so she didn't really touch it that much. It took them all a while to eat, but they made it with 15 back to school before the 1st bell.

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