Chapter 16 - Impressions

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Jimmy, TicToc and Tea Party approached the front door and Jimmy began to knock.
"Hey! Come in!" Carly chirped as she revealed her face from behind the closed door.

Once they were inside, the three followed Carly into the living room which had H, Rosalina, Pearl, KC, Bob, Gidget and Bella already sitting in it.
"Hey," Jimmy smiled. KC and Rosalina waved in return.
"What should we do?" asked Bella.
"I'm not sure.." KC replied.
"Yeah what do we do?" TicToc repeated in an over the top tone as a joke. Most people laughed.
"Hey, I don't know my real name, so I'm a clock!" Rosalina also joked because no one found it offensive.
"Why don't we just joke around and do impressions?" Tea Party asked.
"Hm, okay!" Bob replied.

"Kidney! Kidney! Kidney! All I care about is a rock and not my real family! Well actually, maybe a little ahah!" Bella laughed.
"Books, books....more books," Bob mumbled, though it was still loud enough for everyone else to hear.
"Hey!" Bella said even though she wasn't offended.
"I'm magical, oooooh!" Jimmy giggled.
"I'm Jimmy! I kept secrets from my sister for the first like, I don't know, 10 years of her life!" Rosalina replied.
"Okay, too far," Jimmy said, trying to stop laughing.
"I'm Tea Party! I'm obsessed with coffee even though I've never even tried it because I'm so hyper! I bet I hate it!" TicToc chirped.
"I'm TicToc! I didn't go to school until I was 12!"
"What, I'm dumb?"
"Yeah," Tea Party replied jokingly.
"Yeah, that's true," giggled TicToc.
"I'm KC and I'm quiet, but I'm smart so actually I'm okay!" Carly smiled.
"Aw thanks. I'm Carly and I'm super happy all the time and I make people feel good about themselves,"KC replied.
"Aw thanks sis!"
"Oh I'm KC and I'm perfect and stole my sisters life!" Pearl added. Everyone was silent.

"I'm Gidget and I haven't said anything yet!" Gidget laughed. Everyone else joined in.
"I'm Gidget and I'm pretty. But I'm sometimes pretty annoying or boring," Bob smiled.

"Hey guys! What are you doing...?" Emilia asked as she walked into the room.
"Nothing!" Jimmy and Tea Part giggled.

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