Chapter 9 - Okay Then?

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Aaaannd....they were stuck in traffic.
The people behind the kept honking their horns at everyone and it was very annoying. "A-What d'ya wanna do?" Bob chirped, jumping up and down in his chair bit his seatbelt was preventing him from going far. Gidget whacked her face down onto the steering wheel which caused a super long beeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

She lifted her head up and said "Huuuuh. I am very bored!"
"A-Duh!" Pearl laughed. "It's true though! It's a-boring!" Bob moaned.

Finally, the traffic started moving! "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" Carly and Pearl chorused. H had been listening to music the whole time, so he didn't care about anything.....except Rosalina.

Eventually, they arrived at their destination. H, Carly, Pearl and KC had only just been told that they weren't going straight home. Instead, they would be going to Zizzi.

When the 6 of them had gotten out of the car and walked through the door, they were greeted and shown to a table. Once settled, they picked up the menus and ordered. H got a pepperoni pizza with coke. Carly got tomato pasta with appletiser. Pearl got a meatball pizza with cherry-ade. KC got macaroni and cheese with lemon Fanta. Bob and Gidget got a cheese pizza each but Bob got apple juice while Gidget got lemonade.

Finally, they got their food and were ready to eat.
"WHAT?!" Carly accidentally screamed, drawing attention to herself. "Ssh!" KC and Gidget both whispered, not realising that they both did it.
"I didn't know it was 7 o' clock already!" Carly shouted again, making sure she was heard. "Carly, why are you so loud?!" Bob complained, very loudly. Gidget looked at him and smiled, then giggled. "What?!" Bob again shouted very loudly, starting to half hug half shake Gidget. "Geez, why the flip do we havs such a loud family?" H questioned, taking off his headphones and placed them carefully on his shoulders. "Honestly, I have no clue," Gidget replied.

Weird conversations happened for a while until eventually everyone finished their food. They didn't get dessert, since 1: The pizzas were really big and 2: They had a lot of things in their house, so they payed the bill, left the building and went home.

Hi guys it's DJ! Sorry I haven't updated in so long it's just that I've been focusing on an awesome idea for future chapters and I forgot what this chapter was about. I only started writing it on Saturday 31st March so it didn't take that long! See yah!

-Dj Xx :3

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