Chapter 12 - Weird Dream

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(If there is anything you don't understand fandoms wise or what things look like, look it up. Trust me. It's better.)

As they pulled up outside Leila and Lola's house, all 5 of them jumped out of the car only Leila had to help her little sister out of the car. Katrina took out her keys and opened the door. The 3 girls ran upstairs with all of their bags while Lola and Katrina stayed downstairs and watched The Lion King, which was Lola's favourite movie.

Since the girls were having a sleepover that night, Carly and Luna had brought sleeping bags, cushions and extra clothes. As well as that, they had their phones and laptops.
"Girls! I ordered pizza for dinner! Come wait with us!" Katrina called. "Alright!" Leila replied and gestured for them to go downstairs.

As they walked, Carly suddenly closed her eyes as if she could go to sleep. "Hey, you okay?" Luna asked. "Yeah, I think. I must just be tired!" Carly replied, guessing what was the matter. She gripped onto the banister and walked the rest of the way down the stairs.

"I ordered a margherita and a pepperoni pizza with garlic dough-balls and potato wedges for you girls. There is Diet Pepsi in the fridge too." Katrina mentioned as the 5 of them sat in the living room. "It says it should take around 2 more minutes," and it did.

Katrina went to the door, payed for the pizza and lay them out on the table. She crossed her arms and waited. "So...?" Luna said, eating for anyone to speak. "Go on!" Katrina laughed. "You can take 4 pieces each. Either pizza."
Leila took 3 pepperoni and 1 margherita. Luna took 2 pepperoni and 2 margherita. Finally, Carly took 1 pepperoni and 3 margherita which left 4 of each for Katrina and Lola. Lola took one dough ball out of the box because there were 16 and that wouldn't divide equally. Leila walked into the kitchen, got a jug of Coca Cola and 3 cups and the 3 of them went upstairs, with Carly carrying Leila's stuff.

All night they ate dinner, played games, watched movies and had fun until eventually, they fell asleep.

Huh? Where are we? What is going on? L-Leila?
She says everything is normal. We're in different clothes. Like a sailor outfit. Yandere? Leila's talking but... she's ignoring me! Is this a simulation? What's going on?
I started listening to Leila. She's going on about some rumour. Some rumour about some killer in the 'school'? I'm kinda scared. Does she want to go searching? I think she does. I think we are searching for the killer.
We're approaching the Janitor's closet. I'm getting kinda scared. What's gonna happen if we find them? Will the kill us? Woah. I didn't think this was that worrisome.
She's opening the door.
Not a single soul.
But wait...
Is that?
There is a Midori head handing from a rope.
Where is her body? Leila! Why would you want to know?
She found it.
I'm a chest.
Quick! Someone's coming!
I'm going to hide in the corner behind a dummy and next to a few bookcases.
Where is she going?
What are you doing?
She's in with the body. How creepy!
They're coming.
No it can't b-
It's her.
Why does this feel so familiar?
Like this was all real?
Is it?
I'm not sure.
She's going on about how her victim ran off and left her looking suspicious as heck.
Why did I hide here?
She is throwing knifes through the dummy. Will they hit me? I'm not sure.
I just dodged a knife going as fast as a bullet? How am I this skilled? Okay, no. This isn't fake. She's a murderer and I may die.
Oh my god! She's sitting on the chest! Oh god. Oh god. Oh no! No no no no no!
I think she's leaving.
Leila's opening the chest but I'm staying hidden.
The door is creaking open slowly.
Uh oh.
I heard a gasp from the other side of the wall. Then marching! Oh no! She's talking to Leila.
She says 10 seconds to run.
We both bolt round the corner and through a music classroom. There is underground passages here. We go downstairs and run.
She's coming.
If we get caught, who knows what she'll do! Oh god. Oh god. I regret life. Why couldn't I have ran from the start? Oh god. Oh god. Oh god!
I hear her. Above us.
She's coming downstairs. We're running to the art section. It's only a few feet away.
Upstairs again, I'm scared.
She's definitely following us....
I'm scared.
My heart is beating fast.
I have a feeling.
Leila has stopped as if she's outside of this classroom.
Oh gosh.
Oh no. I give up.
She's grabbing my arm from behind. She's gonna get me. Let's hope it's fake. I hope it's fake. Please be fake. Fake? Not fake. I'm being pulled to the stairs again. Hel-

"Hey Ly-Ly!" Someone shouted while shaking her. "Carly! You okay?" Leila asked. "Yeah..." she replied. "Just my dream." If you had been in her situation, you wouldn't have talked at all. "You sure?" Luna asked, jumping over. Carly hesitated. "Yeah."

Everyone got up and went downstairs to start the day!

Jebus! It's almost 2019! Happy New Years! Welp, I'll see you in the New Years! Well, bye! Have a great night! Check out my Vlogmas too!

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