Chapter 18 - Bored Times

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"I'm so bored!!" Pearl moaned. It was Easter and the family were sat around the tv, apart from Bob, Gidget and Bella.
"Me too, but you don't need to whine every two seconds!" H complained.
"Yeah, it makes it worse," Rosalina added.

Meanwhile, Bella was in the guest bedroom, where she had been spending most of her time.
Bob and Gidget were in the kitchen. Since they were on lockdown they hadn't went out much, and if someone did go it was either Gidget, Bella or Rosalina.
"That's just sad!" Bob cried.
"Well it's not essential!" Gidget replied.
They hadn't gotten their kids anything for Easter, which wouldn't effect H or Carly, but Pearl would be really annoyed and KC hadn't had much Easter chocolate before, so they wanted her to have the best experience during holidays.

Eventually, they decide to go into the living room and tell everyone.
"So, are we ever getting chocolate or what?" Pearl asked.
"Well, that's the thing...." Gidget said as she glanced at Bob, "we didn't get you any."
"To be fair, we are quarantining," Bob shrugged.
"And it's non-essential," added Gidget.
"How is it non-essetanal?! It's chocolate for crying out loud!" Pearl shrieked.
"Um, it's essential. I'm surprised you don't know what that word is. And also, it's because you don't need Easter chocolate to survive. It's just a nice thing to have to celebrate the occasion!" Rosalina explained.
"Oh whatever, I'm leaving."

"I'm sorry," Gidget said as she sat next to KC and put her arm around her.
"It's okay, I don't really mind."
"See? Why can't Pearl be like you?" She laughed. KC shrugged and smiled.

Later on the day, everyone was watching The Simpsons, apart from Bella. She was just walking down the hallway to go in the living room.
"Hey, I made cookies if anyone wants any."
"See? Bella actually gave us something!" Pearl frowned as she grabbed one and left.
"Uh, what?" Bella asked.
"Don't worry about it, she's just being 'Pearl when she doesn't get what she wants'," Carly laughed.
"What should we do?" asked Rosalina.
"Hmmm," Bob thought but came up with nothing.
"We could look through old photos?" Bella suggested.
"Nope, no way!" H said.
"Not of you!" Bella replied.
"Oh. It's still boring but fine."

Gidget then went upstairs and brought a box down from under her and Bob's bed. Inside was old photo albums, year books etc.
"Ok, what's in here?" Rosalina asked.
"It's kind of until... 2004 maybe? Then it's just random stuff from whenever," Gidget replied.
"Let's just pull stuff out," Carly said.
The first was a photo album.
"What is this of?" Rosalina asked, flicking through the first couple of pages.
"Oh! Me and Gidget used to take photos whenever we did something together!" Bob replied.
"Aww!" Carly smiled. Some were pictures of them in their houses, some where at the park and others where in random places.
The next one was their wedding album.
"Everyone looked so nice, oh my gosh! Including you, H and Carly," KC smiled pointing to 3 and 4 year old them. Everyone laughed.

Bella pulled out a yearbook.
"Oh, this is mine!" she said, surprised.
After flicking through a few pages she stopped, shocked.
"Okay, so basically in high school I always got asked if I knew that I had the same birthday as someone..."
"U-huh...and?" H said.
"It's Daring."
"What?! You and Daring went to the same high school?" Rosalina asked. Bella nodded.
"Hmm, that's quite weird."

After a boring, typical night at home, everyone went to bed.
Huh, 3 weeks of quarantine.


Aaaaand back to short chapters. Sorry if it was too short but this is the best I could do 😅
Hope everyone's quarantining is going well! See you in the next chapter!

-DJ xx

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