Chapter 6 - Memory Night

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Hi guys! I know the last chapter was shorter but I promise, this one will be at least 1000 words. Also I forgot to mention last chapter that Jayleen is American and Collin is British, just so you know! Let's begin.

Later on, the 4 of them started getting bored and decided to go and do their own things for a bit. Gidget and Bella's rooms were still set up the way they were but their main things were gone, since they had taken them to the other house.

Gidget's room had blue wallpaper with a dark blue sparkly carpet. There was a wooden desk in front of a window that had light blue and pink curtains covering it. There was also a bookcase next to the desk which had a lot of her old books scattered in neat piles in random places on the shelves. Her bed had the same design as the window curtains on the covers and was also wooden. It was smaller than what she was used to, considering that her and Bob shared a double bed instead. There was also a cupboard attached to the wall at the other side, next to the door. Her backpack for school was at the desk so she decided to look through it.

Bella's room had dark pink wallpaper with a purple sparkly carpet. She has a set of wooden drawers which had some of her favourite things in it like old pictures from when she was little and her favourite teddy bears as a toddler. There was also some old clothes. On top was a small TV that was dusty from the years of not being touched. In the corner was her childhood bed, which hadn't been used since she was 12, so it was a little small but oh well. It had pink bed covers with black roses all over them. It was made of wood as well.

Both of their rooms were quite empty but they took a lot of things with them so it was fine.

The house also had an attic and a basement. The basement was for storage and extra things that wouldn't fit in the living room or kitchen. The attic however, had been decorated two to five years before they moved out. It had galaxy wallpaper with pink and green fairy lights and a beanbag for each of the two of them. Bella's was pink while Gidget's was blue, obviously. It had a stereo and a TV stand with a TV on top. A tall bookcase stood in the corner of the room, next to the ladder. There was also a coffee table that was made of glass and used to be always used.

Bella climbed the ladder and dusted off the coffee table, hoping to use the space a few more times. Gidget grabbed her backpack and climbed up behind her.

Gidget went straight for the lights while Bella just flopped down onto her beanbag chair. After turning on the lights, Gidget then sat down next to her.

Bored, the two sat there, doing pretty much nothing.
Bella grabbed Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban from the bookshelf, though, she had read it before. The whole series 8 times over actually! It only took her around 2 days to read each book. She was a very fast reader!
Gidget looked through her old bag some more and found a note she had got from Bob around 20 years before. It was from just before they left high school actually!

As the night went on, everyone ended up getting tired so the 4 went to bed. Everyone went to sleep, all except Gidget, who was sitting awake in bed. She found it uncomfortable to be sleeping there after such a long time. She wasn't used to her parents and Bella being there and she was used to her main family being there!
"I should leave and just go home! It's weird anyway!" She thought to herself.

She got out of bed and slowly opened the creaky door that lead to the hallway. Since there was a carpet, you couldn't really hear her footsteps that much. Down the stairs she went until she was startled by another creaking sound from around the corner.
In relief, she turned to see that it was just Collin, who was drinking coffee. "You okay?" He asked her. "Yeah, though, I feel a bit weird here. I'm gonna head home, if that's okay," she replied, smiling up at him. "Sure, leave a note for your mum though, just in case," Collin instructed. Gidget was about to question why he couldn't just tell Jayleen but she decided not to.

Quickly, she grabbed a pen a paper, then wrote: Mum, I went home last night - Gidget.
She then put the note on top of a chest of drawers in her parents' bedroom. "Bye!" She waved at Collin as she closed the front door behind her. He waved back, smiling just like she was a minute ago.

As Gidget got in her car, she looked at the time. "1:47, wow!" She thought to herself.

Once she arrived back home, Bob was sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting for her to get back home. "What are you doing?" She shouted. "Ssh!" He replied. "I was waiting for you!"
"Why? Go to bed!"

Bob frowned. He was trying to be nice but she wasn't up for it. He jumped up the space between the 1st and 2nd "floors" of the house then jumped into bed. He slid the black covers just over his elbows, then watched as the door glided open. Gidget came in, holding two mugs. "Here," she gave one to Bob. "Ooowh! Hot chocolate!" He smiled. Gidget giggled. She had some as well. Bob's had whipped cream and marshmallows while Gidget's only had whipped cream. She wasn't the biggest fan of marshmallows.

They sat in bed, enjoying their conversation until; "Mommy? You're home!"
KC came walking into the room, clearing her eyes after sleeping for around 4 hours. "Yeah I'm home," Gidget replied, letting KC hug her. She had put her mug onto one of the bedside tables as KC had walked in so that it wouldn't spill. KC stood there for a bit and then she sat down in between her parents, hugging them both tight. Gidget kissed her forehead while Bob just hugged her back.

Eventually, she fell asleep, leaving Bob and Gidget to drink their hot chocolate again. Bob had gotten cream all over his face while trying to eat it. Gidget was about to giggle but she didn't want to wake up KC, so instead, she finished her hot chocolate, waited for Bob to finish his, turned out the lamp, then went to bed. It had been a loooong day!

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