Chapter 3 - Letting the Leaves Fall

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"It's $10,"
Before they could eat their pizza, they obviously had to pay for it. "Jimmy, I forgot my money in my locker. Is it okay if you pay for it? I'm sorry!" Emilia explained. "Yeah! I can just get more money later and I still have $5 left anyway." Jimmy replied. "Thank you!" She nudged him.

After they paid, they went outside only to find Carly, Luna and Leila walking down the street. "Hi!" Shouted Jimmy. "Oh, hi!" Carly noticed them walking towards her. "Wanna walk together?" Jimmy asked, awkwardly.
"Duh, we're already doing it!" replied Carly. "Right..." he laughed, awkwardly.

One they were back at school, they found H sitting on a bench outside his next class. He was also next to the lockers so everyone got their stuff and went over to him. He sighed. "What do you want?"
"Nothing, we just decided to talk to you!" Carly chirped back. "Okay?" He put his headphones back on. "That's not really talking, is it?" Jimmy whispered to Emilia and she giggled.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Why?!" Jimmy accidentally screeched really loud. "Oops. Sorry..." He whispered. H's next class was English while Jimmy, Emilia and Carly's next one was P.E. They didn't choose it as a subject but their maths teacher was absent so they had to join another P.E class.

Since they weren't told their teacher would be off until that morning, they were allowed to keep their own outfits on instead of sports clothes. Jimmy wore a blue tartan shirt with navy blue jeans to school that day. Emilia wore a teal t-shirt which was tucked into a white skirt. Carly wore a light pink cropped t-shirt with a dark pink heart on a pocket on the left, and light jeans. Emilia's shoes were flat and black while Carly's were raised pink and white trainers.

"Okay everyone! Today we are gonna be playing soccer. So our team captains are...
Cedar and Faybelle for now. Ladies, choose your teams!" The coach instructed. After 10 minutes of that, the teams had a maximum of 13 people in them. "Again? I mean not that I wanna play but still." Jimmy complained. Emilia and him were left on the benches because no one had picked them.

Faybelle was a pro at sports. She was the cheerleading captain and loved being popular. She was bound to win. Cedar however, wasn't as good as Faybelle. She always just let other people get the ball and whenever she got it, would usually not kick that hard but score anyway.

After PE, there were 2 more classes, and then they went home. Quickly, they grabbed their things from their lockers and ran outside.

"Hello everyone!" Pearl shouted as she ran outside with her hand out at her side. The ground was carpeted with brown and orange leaves. "Oh my gosh, look!" Tea Party shouted as she looked at a newly falling leaf. "That looks so cool!" Jimmy shouted. "Says the person who is 18 and has probably seen this happen thousands of times in his life." Tictoc replied. "Oh yeah.." he giggled.

Bella worked at the school, but no one out of the group had the class she taught that day - English. She was usually and assistant teacher and, for some reason, Ms De Nile hated her a lot!

As they kept walking down the street, they found even more leaves falling to the ground. It was interesting to just see them falling, rather than to just crunch them on the ground.

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