Chapter 19 - Until We Meet Again

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H was in his room, awake. It was 8am and no one else seemed to be up yet. He changed his clothes and went out into the living room.  After searching for the tv remote he found it down the back of the couch. Once he turned it on, he flicked through the channels for a few minutes before deciding to just watch something random while on his phone.

Jimmy, TicToc and Tea Party were sitting in the living room having breakfast of hot chocolate and toast.
"It feels so weird..." TicToc started.
"What does?" Jimmy asked.
"Not seeing anyone," she replied.
"Oh, yeah I guess. I'm kinda used to not seeing most people, apart from Emilia and Carly so that's a bit strange."

Emilia was in her room getting changed. She put on a turquoise vest and denim shorts. Then she put her hair in a bun and put a flower clip at the side. Since she didn't really have anyone to talk to, she opened up her sketchbook and started to draw.

Carly was on her phone in her room. She was planning on making TikTok's (just because she was so bored). After doing the renegade she left and went into the living room where she saw H sitting watching TV.
"Whatcha watchin?" She asked.
"No idea," he replied.
"It's the Simpsons...of course you know what it is," she said.

Tea Party finished her breakfast and went up to her room, followed by Tic Toc. They had scheduled a FaceTime call with Pearl which would start soon. Tea Party pulled out her phone from a drawer where she kept her electronics and opened the FaceTime app. A few seconds later, the ringing started.

The ringing started. Wait a minute! I'm getting changed! Pearl though as she rapidly put on a red dress and a white cardigan. While accepting the call, she brushed her hair as fast as she could before placing her glasses back in her face.
"Hi!" Tea Party chirped.
"How are you?" asked TicToc.
"I'm okay, only I'm a little bit tired cause I just rushed so much."
"Well you could've said you were getting ready and we could've waited!" Tea Party said.
"Oh well I'm here now. How are you?"
"I'm good,"
"I'm fine!" The two smiled.

After everyone was up, Bella went into KC's room to get some quiet while she FaceTimes her parents.
"Oh hi! How are you doing?" Collin asked.
"I'm okay, kinda bored. How are you?"
"We're fine," Jayleen replies, kind of cutting Collin off.
"Hey Collin! Hey Jayleen!" Bob chirped as he came to the door.
"Urgh, Hi Bob," Jayleen sighed, not wanting to seem rude by telling him to go away, but it was kind of inferred anyway.
"Bob, come here a minute!" Gidget yelled from there room.
"Okay!" he smiled as he walked away.

"What is it?" he asked walking into his room.
"Nothing. know my parents..well, my mum doesn't exactly like you so I feel like you should just let Bella do her thing," Gidget explained.
"Oh, okay!" he smiled, sitting down on the bed next to her.

"Hey, Emilia, do you want some breakfast?" Lily called from downstairs.
"Hm, maybe," Emilia replied. 
"I made pancakes,"
"I guess so, I'll come down in a minute!" She replied, shutting her laptop.
"Ohayō Emiria! Ogenkidesuka?" Aku asked as Emilia came downstairs.
"Kon'nichiwa otōsan! Watashi wa genkidesu yo, anata wa?" Emilia replied.
"Watashi mo daijōbu."
"Here you go!" Lily said as she put down her plate.
"Thank you," Emilia replied as she sat down at the table.

Hey Emilia, do you wanna
FaceTime in a bit?

Sure! Just wait a sec and
we can now.


Emilia pulled out her phone and called Jimmy.
"Kon'nichiwa Jimī, anata ga genki ni natte iru koto o negatte imasu!" Aku said from across the room. Jimmy looked confused.
"My dad says hi and he hopes you are well," Emilia translated.
"Oh, we'll tell him I say hi, thank you and him too!"
"Okay. Jimī wa kon'nichiwa to iimasu, arigatō, soshite kare wa anata mo genkidearu koto o nozomimasu!"
"He says thanks."
Jimmy smiled.

After a bit, everyone decided that soon they would leave their FaceTime calls.
"I miss you guys!" Pearl frowned.
"We miss you too!" Tea Party whined.
"Miss you!" Bella said.
"You too!" Collin smiled.
"I miss you," Jimmy said awkwardly but sad.
"We're gonna go now but we can talk tomorrow, bye!" Tea Party said as she hung up.
"I'm gonna go and hang out with Gidget now. Love you, bye!" Bella smiled.
"Love you too, bye!"
"Pretty sure I'm getting dinner within the next 5 minutes so I'm gonna go. Bye!" Emilia sighed.
"Bye," Jimmy replied.


So, another short-ish chapter, but I like this one!
This is the end of this book sadly, but there will obviously be a Volume 3 so stay tuned for that! The Japanese translates to:
"Good morning Emilia, how are you?"
"Hi Dad! I'm good, how are you?"
"I'm doing okay too."
I'm pretty sure that's what it translates to, I can't remember 😅. Emilia translates the rest so I don't really need to tell you what that is.

I hope you enjoyed this book! Leave any chapter ideas in the comments because I'd be happy to try and write them!

Until next time!
-DJ xx

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