Chapter 7 - Morning's Here

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The next morning, Carly woke up bright and early, then ran into the living room. She couldn't be bothered getting changed so she just slouched on her "special" seat. Pearl came in next. She turned on the TV and started watching Monster After High, a cringy TV show that seemed to have the worst school ever! H was up next. He stayed in his room though, because he wanted to talk to Rosalina.

The 3 waited a while for the other 3 to get up but they didn't, or so they thought...

Bob and Gidget were awake in bed. Bob was trying to get up without making a single sound because he didn't want to wake up KC, while, Gidget was doing the opposite; trying to wake up KC. Eventually, she woke up and the 3 went down into the living room.
"He-llo!" Pearl said as they walked in. "Um........hi?" Gidget replied. "When did you get home?" Pearl asked, smiling. "Um I don't know like, just after 2am?" replied Gidget. "THAT'S WHAT TIME IT WAS?!" Bob screamed. "Yeah..." Gidget confusingly replied. "Wow!"

They sat bored for a bit until Gidget finally went and got everyone breakfast with a drink. She made toast, which took a while because she used the toaster and everyone was having 2 halves that were in for 2 minutes so it took like 12 minutes for all of them.

Finally, when she was done, she handed H his toast without a drink because he didn't want one. Then Pearl, who wanted orange juice with hers. Carly after Pearl, who had orange juice as well. Then KC, who had milk. Finally, Bob, who had apple juice. Gidget didn't want a drink either so she just ate her toast.

Once they were finished, Gidget asked "Okay, so whatcha wanna do today?"
"We could just stay in?" H mumbled.
"No," replied Gidget. "Dang it!" H shouted. "We could a-go to the park!" Bob suggested. "Maybe. Oh! We could go for a walk in the park!" Gidget shouted. "Okay!" Carly chirped. They got changed and were ready to leave.

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