Sans x Reader

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After sparing Toriel and escaping the ruins, you headed on out into a snow covered land. You shivered and rubbed your arms to gather heat as you walked forwards. Thankfully, there was no wind, so you weren't getting too cold.

As you walked, you heard a snapping sound behind you. You looked back and saw that the branch you had stepped over was snapped in half. "What the..?" You whispered to yourself. You blinked a couple of times to make sure you weren't seeing things. The branch remained broken. "Okay, then.." you said in a shushed voice, then continued walking. 

Just after going a few feet forwards, you heard footsteps approaching behind you. You froze and quickly looked back to see nothing. "Hello?" You called out, but quickly covered your mouth. 'I shouldn't call out to whatever is out there.' you thought. 'Whoever they are, they might not be as friendly as Toriel was.'  You sighed and continued on. 

You reached a bridge looking thing with a really wide gate. It looked like whoever intended to make this tried to trap somebody, but made the bars too far apart. 

As you observed the structure, something walked up behind you and spoke.

"H u m a n .  D o n ' t  y o u  k n o w  h o w  t o  g r e e t  a  n e w  p a l ?" The deep voice asked me slowly. You stiffened up, fearful of what they might do. "T u r n  a r o u n d ,  a n d  s h a k e  m y  h a n d ." they said. You slowly turned around to see a figure hidden in shadow. You were afraid of what they were, and what they planned to do with you. You gulped, but reached out and placed your hand in theirs. Then, out of nowhere, a loud fart sound broke the silence, causing your fearful face to become completely dumbfounded. The figure came out of the shadow, and they appeared to be a short, tubby skeleton. 

"Haha. The old 'whoopee cushion in the hand' trick." he chuckled. "It's always funny." You suppressed some laughter from the little prank he pulled. "I'm Sans." he said. "Sans the skeleton." "It's nice to meet you, Sans the skeleton." you said. "I'm (y/n). (Y/n) the human." He chuckled and said. "You're human?" You nodded with a slightly confused face. "That's hilarious." he said. You were lost. How did he find you being human so funny? 

"Anyways, I'm supposed to be on watch for humans, now." he said, causing you to raise your eyebrows. "But, I don't really care about that stuff. Now my brother, Papyrus, he's a human huntin' fanatic." Your whole body became stiff. "Actually, I think that's him over there." Sans said, pointing behind you.

~*Time skip*~

You had met Papyrus, and gotten through all of his puzzles. Now, he wants to fight you. That made you nervous. You didn't want to hurt him, but you didn't see any way around it. Sans said that you were causing his brother to have fun, which made you glad, but you didn't want to hurt Papyrus. 

"What's eatin' you, kid?" Sans' voice asked from beside you. You were standing beside the library, contemplating your next move. "I don't want to fight Papyrus." you said, letting your head bury itself in your chest. "I understand, kiddo." he said, leaning against the wall beside you. "I don't want you to fight him either, but Papyrus has been waiting his whole life to fight a human. It wouldn't be nice to just stand him up like this." You slumped your shoulders and sighed. "Okay. I'll try my best not to hurt him." you said. "If I hurt him even in the slightest, I'm fleeing." Sans chuckled and said, "Okay, kiddo." "Thanks for talking with me, Sans." you said. A blue hue spread across his face and he looked away. "I-It's nothing, (y/n)." he stuttered. You raised a brow, but shrugged and went off to confront Papyrus.

AU Undertale x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now