Underfell! Papyrus x Nymph! Reader

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Papyrus was going through the woods, trying to find a good tree to cut down for a fire at his house. Sans was too lazy to even lift the axe for cutting down the tree, so Papyrus took responsibility. But he forced Sans to get ingredients for making sandwiches, soup, and s'mores.

Sans hated going to the store, but did it because he didn't want to go out and chop down trees.

Papyrus was trying to find a good tree. One that wasn't too big, and one that had nice, dry wood.
While walking through the forest, he found the creek, and saw you sitting by it. You were doing your hair, and placing flowers in it. Your dress looked like it was made from the silky petals of flowers. 
Papyrus was in a trance from your beauty, but quickly pulled out of it when he realized that you were trespassing in his forest. 

"HEY!" He shouted, causing you to jump and look back. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" You shrieked, and began to run. "COME BACK HERE!" He yelled, beginning to chase you. You ducked behind a tree, and immediately changed into your tree form. 
Papyrus came around the tree to see you in your tree form. He scanned around to find you, but didn't see anything except your tree. "DAMMIT! SHE GOT AWAY!" He hissed. Then he looked over at your tree. "WELL. THIS TREE IS PERFECT FOR OUR FIRE!" He said, making you panic. He raised his axe, and right before he brought it down on you, you smacked him backwards with a thick branch.

He flew about twenty feet from the impact. When he landed, he had hit his head on the forest floor. "WHAT THE HELL?!" He grunted, then he looked up to see you change out of your tree form. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" You scowled at him. "I am a Nymph." you said. "Now answer me this; why are you cutting down trees in this forest?" "THIS IS MY FOREST!" He declared. "I CUT DOWN THE TREES FOR OUR FIRE WOOD! AND WHAT THE HELL IS A NYMPH?!" "This is NOT your forest!" You snapped. "You have no right to cut down these trees." "YES I DO! AND IF YOU DON'T THINK SO, I'LL CUT YOU DOWN TOO!" He raised his axe, and you summoned vines to pull him back.

"WHAT IS THIS MAGIC?!" He yelled as the vines pulled him back. They pulled the axe away, and left him tied up against a tree. You chuckled and said, "My, how the tables have turned." "RELEASE ME, HUMAN!" He demanded. "I'm not a human!" You snapped. "I'm a Nymph!" "WHATEVER! LET ME OUT OF THIS!" He yelled. "Not until you promise to not to cut down anymore trees." You said. "NEVER!" He snapped, struggling. "Then you're going to be there for a long time." you said, sitting down.

It took Papyrus about a half an hour of struggling to calm down. He was out of breath, and panting hard. "Do you promise not to cut down any trees?" You asked, giving him a glare. He looked up and nodded. You got up and unfastened the vines around him. He collapsed, breathing heavily. You quickly went over to a discarded tree that a beaver chopped down, and brought him back some logs. 

"Here." you said, placing them in front of him. "Use these for your fire." He looked up to see the logs you had set down in front of him. He took a deep breath, got up, picked up the logs, and proceeded to head back to his home.

A few days later, Papyrus found you in a thicket, making tree spuds grow. "Do you do this all the time?" He asked, startling you. You looked back to see him standing near the edge of the thicket. "No." you said. "These are just to grow up and help shed some light in here." He walked up to you, making you back up. "You never answered my question before." he said, making you tilt your head. "What is a Nymph?" 

You shrugged and said, "A Nymph is a forest spirit. We have the ability to make plants grow, and the forest gives us protection. We can meld into the trees and even become them. The forest protects us, and we protect it." 
"Then why did you give me those logs?" He asked. "Those were from a tree that a beaver had cut down for it's dam." you said. "He was no longer using them, so I brought them to you to get you to leave. Beavers are part of the forest, so it doesn't affect the balance in nature." 
Papyrus nodded and hummed. 

"Do you need something?" You asked. "N-No. I just wanted to see you again." he said. You blushed, hearing those words. "R-Really?" You asked. He nodded, scratching the back of his head and blushing.  "Why?" You asked. "W-Well... y-you're very beautiful, a-and I thought that maybe we could be friends?" He said. You covered your mouth, blushing harder. 

"S-Sure." you said. He looked up in surprise. "Really?" He asked. You giggled and said, "Yeah." He smiled widely.

After hanging out for around two weeks in the forest, Papyrus asked you on a date. You were very startled, but agreed. However, you said that you could not leave the forest because you would become weakened.
He set up a picnic by the river, and you thought it was one of the best date you've ever been on.

He asked if other Nymphs had asked you out, and you laughed at that. "Papyrus, Nymphs can only be females." you said. "Is that so?" He asked. "Yes. And Nymphs are not ones to be attracted by the  same gender." you informed him. He nodded.

Four months later, you had gone on several dates. He soon enough asked you to be his girlfriend, and you shyly accepted. 

Today, he was coming into the forest with a special surprise. He said the day prior to this, "I'm going to make you something. Wait by the grove and I'll bring it to you tomorrow." 
You were excited to see was he was going to bring.

After a while of waiting, you saw him coming into the forest, holing something behind his back. "Hello, (y/n)." he said. You smiled and waved back. "I brought you a present." "What is it?" You asked, smiling widely. "I'm not sure you'll like it, since I did something against your will." he said, looking away. Your smile faltered a little. "What do you mean?" You asked. He then pulled the item out from behind his back. It was a flower crown.

"I made this for you." he said. It had daisies, lilies, roses, and buttercups. You stared in awe at it. "It's beautiful." you said. "Wait, really?" He asked, and you nodded vigorously. "But I thought you didn't like it when the balance of nature was affected." "Picking flowers is not affecting nature, Papyrus." you said. "People do it all the time, and more flowers grow in place of them. And making something as beautiful as this... it warms my heart to know you make beauty as original as this." 

Papyrus smiled and placed it on your head. "I made it for the princess of the forest." he said, making you blush. "My princess." You smiled widely, and gave him a kiss. He kissed back, happily.
The rest of the day, you and him walked around the grove, counting butterflies, and making bird calls.

AU Undertale x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now