Underswap! Papyrus x Horripilation! Reader

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~A/N~ Horripilation is when your hair stands up on end.

You were heading over to your boyfriend's house, to hang out with him. He was a skeleton monster from the Underground, named Papyrus. However, whenever he had you stay over, you always slept in the living room. Sans had told you that his room smelled like stinky socks. The smell wouldn't bother you much, but you had this thing with bad smells. If you smelled them, and they smelled really bad, your hair would start to poof up, and rise. Not the hair on your arms like what happens when you get goosebumps, but the hair on your head. But it didn't go straight up like it was coated in gel.

You arrived, taking a deep breath, and headed inside. "Papyrus!" You called. "I'm here!" He bursted out of his room. You covered your mouth and nose, pretending to giggle, but actually blocking out the smell. He shut his door and basically fell down the stairs. You could tell he just got up from a nap. "Did you just wake up?" You asked. He nodded and stretched his arms. "Sans brought some cookies over from when he was cooking with Asgore earlier." he said. "Ooh! Chocolate chip?" You said. He shook his head and said, "M&M." "That's pretty much the same thing." you scoffed, making him chuckle.

As you and him were munching on your cookies, the door banged open, startling both of you. You started choking, and Papyrus helped get the chunk of cookie out of your throat. "What's up, nerds!" Alphys shouted. Papyrus glared at her angrily as you panted heavily. Alphys, Undyne, and Sans walked in to see Papyrus holding you against him, and you breathing heavily. Undyne started blushing massively, Alphys smirked evilly, and Sans just stood there confused. 

"Are we interrupting something?" Alphys taunted. "No, but you nearly killed (y/n)!" Papyrus growled. "What are you talking about, Papyrus?" She asked. "When you slammed the door open, you scared the crap out of her, and made her start choking on the cookie she was eating!" Papyrus said. "I had to help her cough it out, or she would have suffocated." "Oh..." Alphys said, shuffling her feet. "Sorry, (y/n)." You took in a deep breath. "It's okay, Al." you said. You stood up, taking some deep breaths to get your barings back. 

"So what are you guys doing here?" You asked. "Undyne's TV broke down." Sans said. "N-Napstaton accidentally h-hit it." Undyne said. "More like he played his music so loud that it exploded." Alphys complained. "Anyways, we were gonna watch anime, but since we couldn't, we came here to watch it." Sans said. "Since we have a big TV, I thought it was a perfect idea!" You just shrugged, completely fine with it. They smiled and set up the living room for their amine marathon.

"C'mon, (y/n)." Papyrus said. "Let's just go chill out in my room." You froze at the thought of his room. "N-Nah. We c-can still hang out h-here." you said. "But you said you didn't like anime." he said. "W-Well... then we can head over to Muffet's." you said, hoping he would agree. He furrowed his bone brows. "(Y/n), come upstairs with me." he said in a stern way. You gulped and walked up the stairs with him. 

"(Y/n), why do you always get so nervous when I mention going into my room?" Papyrus asked. You just shuffled your feet and lowered your head. He sighed and placed his hand on your shoulder. "(Y/n), you know I would never hurt you, right?" He said. "I-It's not that." you said. "What is it?" He asked. "I-I... Sans told me your room smells really bad." you said. "Oh come on, it's not that bad." he said, rubbing your head. "Sans just exaggerates about the smell since it's the only bad smell in the house (besides his cooking)." You looked away. "Do you have a sensitivity to smell?" He asked. "Y-You could say that." you stuttered. "Well, I promise that this won't be too bad." he said. You took a deep breath, but followed him to his room.

Right before walking in, you took a deep breath, and held it in.  Right when he opened the door, you pinched your nose, and walked in with you. Papyrus saw you holing your breath. His shoulders slumped. "(Y/n), you can't hold your breath the entire time your in here." he said. "Take you hands off your face and take a breath." You shook your head. It was turning red now from holding the air in. He grew worried and grabbed your arms, pulling them away from your face. You squeezed your eyes shut to try and hold the rest of the air in, but he pressed on your cheeks to make you exhale. You were desperate for air, so you inhaled deeply. 

Then the smell got in your nose, and it was so bad. Your eyes widened up, and your hair began to poof up and rise up. Your eyes started tearing up as Papyrus looked up at you in surprise. "(Y/n)... what's going on with your hair?" He asked, worriedly. You couldn't take it. You dashed out of his room and out of the house. You were taking deep breaths, and headed into Muffet's for the sweet scent of her pastries to enter your nose. "Hello, (y/n)." she said as she was cleaning the counter top. She saw your hair was puffed out and slowly going back down. "What happened?" She asked. "I went into Papyrus' room." you said. "Ah." she said. She already knew about your horripilation, because you told her about it, and because she saw your hair puff out when someone ordered a stinky cheese omelet at NTT resort.

"How'd he take it?" She asked. "I don't know." you said. "The smell was so bad, that I dashed out before anything else happened." She handed you a scratch and sniff. You scratched it off, and it smelled like cupcakes. Your hair smoothed back down. "Thanks, Muffet." you said. She just smiled and continued wiping off the counter. 

Papyrus came into the cafe, and you looked around to see him. "(Y/n)! There you are!" He said, and he ran up to you, hugging you tightly. You were very surprised. "Y-You're not weirded out?" You asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "About my horripilation." you said. He raised a bone brow. You sighed and said, "Horripilation is when your hair stands up on end. I have strong horripilation on my head, so my hair puffs out like it did in your room. It mainly only does that when something smells really bad." "Ohh. That explains why you never wanted to come into my room." he said. You nodded and looked down. "Honey, I don't think it's weird." he said. "In fact, I think it's kinda cute." You looked up at him with a playfully offended face. "I'm not cute! I'm cool!" You declared. "Nope. You're as cute as a marshmallow." he said, then he nuzzled his face into your neck. "Papyrus, stop!" You said. "We can't do this in public!" He stood up and sighed, knowing you were right. 

"How about you chill here, and I'll go clean up my room, do my laundry and spray my room with some air freshener." he suggested. "What do you say to that?" "I say that Sans is going to be asking if you're the real Papyrus." you teased, making him laugh. He gave a small wave and headed to make his room a bit more comfortable for you.

After a while, Papyrus came back, saying it was all ready. You both said good bye to Muffet, and headed back to his house. He brought you up to his room. It was all cleaned up, and it smelled like peppermint. You smiled and hugged your beloved boyfriend. "I never thought, ever in my life, that you would do this for me." you said. "Honey, I would do so much more than clean my room for you." he said. He leaned down and kissed you on the lips, and you happily kissed back. When you pulled away for air, you said, "I love you, Papyrus." "I love you too, (y/n)." he said. Then he lifted you up and brought you over to his bed, and the two of your spent the rest of the day snuggling together.

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