Sans x Blind! Genocide! Reader

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Can You See Me?

You made it through the whole underground with a few large wounds. You were in a long hallway, and you were facing against a person named Sans. You were badly wounded. You could never tell where his attacks were coming from. Mainly because you couldn't see. 
You weren't normally blind. Before you fell into the underground, your eyes were gouged out. You had been tortured for weeks by kidnappers, then they took your eyes, and dropped you in the mountain.

While going through the mountain, you kept losing your way. You ran into several creatures, and you fought for your life. Every time you killed, you never knew. You always assumed that the creature had run away. But after making it to Sans, after so much death and murder, you realized that you had become a monster.

On your way through the snowy area, where you first met Sans, you found a bandanna, and tied it around your head where your eyes were. It helped subside the bleeding, and your face didn't sting much anymore.
But here, in the long hallway, during your fight with the angry Sans, he called you a coward. 

"You have the guts to kill everybody here, but you just can't watch yourself do it." he growled as he slammed your body into a pillar. "It's like a horror movie. You can't erase it from your memory, after you've already seen it. But you can still hear them, can't you?" He asked, piercing your arm with one of his weapons. You held in the scream, knowing you deserved this. "You can still hear all of their screams and cries for MERCY." he said. "The sound of them turning into dust. The sound of their soul shattering before you. You remember that, don't you?" 

You weakly nodded, feeling the blood starting to escape from your bandanna. 'Oh no.' You thought. 'He's going to see my weakness.' You knew it didn't really matter. He was just going to kill you again, no matter what. 

"Before I kill you, I want my face, so be the last thing you see before you die." he said. You grew worried. How would he react to seeing your bloody face that had no eyes? Would he hesitate in fear to give you a chance to escape? No, that didn't matter. You were pinned to the floor, and you deserved to die. 

You felt him grab the bandanna, and untie the knot in the back. He then ripped it off, and discarded it. "Look up." he commanded. You did not, trying to hold your eyes shut to keep the blood in. "I said, look up!" He growled, hooking  a finger under your chin and forcing you to look up. You heard him gasp, then he let go of your chin. 

"I-Is it b-bad?" You asked weakly, trying to keep your head up. "What?" He asked. "I-It's just a scratch, right?" You said, managing a small smile. "At least, that's what they said it would be." "They?" He repeated. "The ones who dropped me down here." you explained. There was a long pause, then he spoke up again. "Before I kill you, tell me." he said. "Why did you kill everyone?" 

You let your head rest against the ground. "A few weeks ago, I was kidnapped." you said. "They brought me to a warehouse sort of thing, and tortured me for weeks. That's why my back is all messed up." You heard him get up, then you felt him lift your shirt. "D-Did they whip you?" He asked, letting your shirt rest against you back again. "Yes. Several times." you said. "When they saw I was no fun anymore, they brought be to the top of the mountain to throw me in. But, they said they wanted to scar my face so I wouldn't forget them. They said, 'Don't worry. It's just a scratch.' Then, they took a large knife, and cut in the area of my eyes."

You could hear Sans shaking. "They took my eyes, and my bravery." you said. "So, when they through me down here, every monster I encountered, I didn't know what I was up against. So, I fought in fear of what I had left of my life. When I felt the dust, I always assumed they had run away. I knew nothing of monsters, so I didn't know dust meant they were dead, or what that shattering was. But now, after hearing your judgement, I realized that... I should have died in that warehouse."

AU Undertale x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now