Sans x Stuck! Reader

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About three years ago, monsters had come to the surface. And over the past ten months, you had dated a skeleton named Sans. He had met you at a cafe, eating donuts, and he started chatting with you. The two of you met up every so often, that he eventually asked you on dates, and asked you to be his girlfriend, which you happily accepted.

Today, you were staying over at his house for the night. It was noon right now, and you were bored. Sans was upstairs doing something, and you were just sitting on the couch. You heard a bouncing sound, and you saw a little grasshopper. You decided to catch it and pop it back outside. You stood up, but when you tried to grab it, it jumped away. You grumbled a bit in annoyance, but chuckled as you began to chase it around the living room.

After a while of chasing it, it slipped under the couch. "I'm not giving up that easy." you said, then you slipped your head under the back of the couch after putting up the foot rest. The grasshopper moved a bit, then you crawled further under the couch. It jumped out towards the front of the couch. Now a normal person would have ducked back out and walked around, but you decided to go straight under and through. But things didn't quite go as planned.

Right as you got your upper body had gotten through, you heard something which caused you to freeze, then the footrest flew downwards and slammed into the couch. It squeezed your back, making you scream in pain. It was pushing down right on your spine and spinal cord, with was very dangerous. If the spinal cord got damaged, you could die. "SAAAANS!!" You screamed. You heard his door burst open, and you saw him coming down the stairs, but he stopped on the last step when he saw you. 

"... What happened?" He asked. "I'm stuck!" You cried, trying not to cry from the pain. He snorted and covered his mouth. "It's not funny!" You yelled, wanting to get out of this embarrassing situation. "How did you get stuck like that?" He asked, chuckling. "I was chasing a grasshopper, then the footrest came loose and locked on the couch." you explained. Your back was hurting so badly right now. "Okay, let me lift it again." he said. He went over to pull the lever to lift the footrest. But when the lever moved, the footrest did not go up. "Uh oh. Looks like the spring came loose, because it's not working." he said. 

You started to panic. "Sans! Get this off of me!" You screamed. "Please!" "Woah. Calm down, (y/n)." he said, starting to pet your head. "I can't!" You screamed, tears started flowing down your cheeks. "If I don't get this thing off, I'll die." Sans jumped back, clearly surprised. "What are you talking about?!" He asked. "How will you die?!" "This is pressing against my spinal cord." I said. "My spinal cord controls my breathing, heartbeat, and pulse. If it gets damaged, I'll die." 

Sans beginning to worry as well. "I-I'll call Papyrus and Undyne." he said, pulling out his phone. You knew he wasn't going to teleport you out. Whenever you teleported with him, you would either through up, or get a really bad migraine. So, he didn't want to do that to you.

"They're on their way with some tools." he said. "Since the couch is bolted down to the floor, I can't lift it." "They better hurry." you said, tears dripping from your face. "Can you suck in your gut?" He asked. "It's no use." you said. "My chest will still push me into it." "Well... just keep breathing." he said. You started to take slow breaths, and he stroked your hair to keep you calm. 

After ten minutes, Papyrus and Undyne arrived. The spot on your back had turned dark red, and it was starting to swell, which was not helping. "Don't worry, punk!" Undyne said. "We'll get you out!" "I'VE GOT THE TOOLS!" Papyrus announced. "LET'S START BY UNSCREWING THE NUTS AND BOLTS!" He handed them wrenches and screwdrivers, and they got to work in unscrewing the nuts.

After removing the bolts and the nuts from the couches legs, Undyne and Papyrus got a hold of the couch. "Ready, Papyrus?!" Undyne said. "READY, UNDYNE!" "Okay! LIFT!!" She commanded, and they lifted the couch off of you. But right as it was lifted, you became paralyzed. Sans grabbed your arms and dragged you out, and they set the couch back down and screwed it back on. "(Y/n), are you okay?" Sans asked. You could still hear him, and you could still breathe. But you couldn't move, or speak. "(Y/n)?!" Sans said, worriedly. You just laid there, wide eyed and limp. "Punk! Answer us!" Undyne commanded. 

~Sans Pov~

She remained unresponsive. I was really worried, even though she was still breathing. I lifted the back of her shirt up, and saw that the place where the couch was pressing on was really red, and swollen. "We need to get her too a hospital!" I said. I picked her up in my arms, and we all ran out into Papyrus' car, and drove to the hospital.

When we arrived, I explained our situation, and they brought her to the Emergency Room to help her. We sat out in the waiting area, and then the nurse came out and said (y/n)'s name. Me, Papyrus, and Undyne stood up, and the nurse lead us to her room. She had her eyes closed, so I grew worried. "Is she okay?" I asked. "Yes." the doctor said. "She's very lucky. We took an x-ray, and we saw that the pressure of the couch pushed the skin and muscles to almost hit her spinal cord. It was, in fact, one millimeter away from hitting it." I almost fainted from relief and a bit of fear. "She's currently paralyzed from the inflammation of her immune system trying to reconstruct the damaged area." he said. "So when can she come home?" I asked. "In about two to three days." he said. "When she does, we'll have her torso wrapped up in medical wrap to protect it from anything." "Thank you for your help, doctor." I said. 

I walked up to her, brushing some hair out of her face. "Stay with us, (y/n)." I said. Then I gave her a little kiss on the lips. 

~Normal Pov~

After two days, you had managed to move and talk again. When you could stand up, the doctors wrapped your torso up in a medical wrap. They said it was to protect the swelled up area from getting cuts or possible infections from anything.

The next day, Sans and Papyrus came and brought you to their home again. You immediately jumped onto the couch, and stretched out your back. It hurt a bit, but it felt good. "Wow." Sans said, getting your attention. "I kind of thought you would be scared of the couch after that." You chuckled a bit. "Nah. I just know now to never go back under the couch." you said. He ruffled your hair and pulled you against him. "Thanks for staying with us, sweetheart." he said. You smiled and snuggled against him. "Of course, Sans." you said. "I love you." A blue blush crossed his face, but he smiled and kissed your head. "I love you too, (y/n)." he said. 

And the two of you cuddled on the couch for the rest of the day.

~A/N~ This story was inspired by when me and my friends were playing prop hunt. My friend was trying to jump jump up to a ledge as a hunter, and she was using a couch to get up. But when she tried to jump, she got stuck, and she couldn't move anymore. Me and my other friend were dying of laughter at her misfortune. 

I ended up having to kill her with a grenade, then she helped me find my other friend by spectating. 

I'm never gonna stop teasing her about it.

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