Inmate!Sans x Therapist reader

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(I'm going to try and make this as accurate as I can to what I think an actual prison is like)

You served as a therapist to several people, who have been imprisoned, to help them with their depression, and to become a better person when they can be free again.
Several of the previous inmates you helped out have attempted suicide right after being committed to the prison, and you managed to help them feel better, and have hope of getting out. 

Today, you were going to visit the very first monster inmate. He was arrested for assault on another human, and you were sure that, with all the discrimination in this world, the police didn't let him explain his side of the story.
He was placed in the most secure part of the prison, under twenty-four hour watch. You knew these people weren't going to give him a chance, but you would.

You walked into a meeting room, and waited for the guard to bring the monster in.
The guard arrived, pushing the monster, who seemed to be a skeleton. "Don't do anything stupid." the guard growled, then he slammed the door behind him.
The skeleton stood up, and brushed himself off.  He looked tired, and upset about something.

"Good afternoon." you said, trying your best to lighten the mood. He looked at you, but did respond. You could tell he didn't want to be here. "My name is (y/n)." you said. "What's yours?" He slumped his shoulders, and sat down in the corner of the room, hugging his tibiae. You stood up and slowly made your way over to him, but stopped at a distance so you wouldn't upset him. You sat down on the floor, a few feet in front of him.
You gave him a patient smile. "It's okay if you don't want to talk, but could you at least give me a nod or a head shake?" You asked. He sighed, but nodded. "Thank you." you said. "Hopefully we can work things out later in the week." 

You asked him yes or no questions, getting hesitated answers, but answers nonetheless. After your time was over, the guard came back and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him along. You scowled and walked in front of the door before they could leave. "Get out of the way." he said. "You must treat the inmates with care." you said. "If I see you behaving recklessly like this again with anyone, I will report you to the warden, and have you fired." "Who gives a shit? He's a fucking monster." he said. "That is no excuse for bad treatment." you growled. "You are acting just as bad as the time of slavery. You are treating the monster as if he was a colored man. If this continues, I will have this prison shut down for discrimination."

The guard groaned in annoyance, but didn't argue any further. "Alright. I won't mistreat him anymore." he grumbled. But, because of the rule, he put the handcuffs on the skeleton, and began to guide him out of the area back to his cell. 
The skeleton looked at you, curiously. You smiled, and gave him a little wave.

The next day, the skeleton was brought in, but the guard didn't shove him in like the last time. The skeleton looked up at you, seeming curious, but cautious. "Good afternoon, sir." you said. "You can sit in the corner again if you'd like. Or would you like a chair this time?" 
He hesitated, but took a seat in the chair. "So, are you feeling better than yesterday, sir?" You asked. He mumbled something. You hummed in response. "Sorry, I didn't catch that." you said. "Sans." he said, surprising you. "My name is Sans."
You smiled and reached out your hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Sans." you said. "My name is (y/n)." He waited a moment, then shook your hand. 

"So, how have you been since we last met?" You asked. He shrugged and said, "I'm still trying to get used to this place. I'm worried about my bro. If something's happened to him and I can't protect him, I'd never forgive myself." "Is that why you're here?" You asked. "Were you protecting your brother from someone?" He nodded. "I tried to tell the authorities that, but they didn't believe me, and the guy who hurt my bro pretended to be the victim." he explained. 

"Well, I am a therapist here, but I have a friend who is a lawyer." you said. "Maybe after some time, I can get their help and put you through trial to prove your innocence." "It's not worth it." he said. "No human is gonna believe me. I'm just a monster." "I believe you." you said. "No monster would attack a human for no reason. Because ever since they've been released, humans have been protesting against them. If a monster just attacked a human, they would immediately be locked up. But you were just defending yourself and your brother. But I guess whoever attacked you knew the dedication you had to protect him, and used it against you."

He sighed and placed his skull in his hands. You saw him begin to shake. "I just wish I could see my bro again." he said, sniffling. "They won't let me interact with anyone outside because they think I'll try to escape." You rubbed his back, soothing him the best you could. "I'll make sure you get to see him." you said. "I don't believe someone like you deserves to be in a place like this for protecting the ones they love."

It had been two weeks since you first met Sans. He began to enjoy the meetings he had with you. Saying they were the highlight of being in this place. You didn't know, but he even started developing feelings for you. He did his best not to show them, because he worried that he wouldn't be able to see you anymore if someone found out, or that you would reject him.

Today, when he came in, you bore a wide smile. He looked up, and raised  a brow. "What's got you so cheery?" He asked, taking a seat. "Well, I have something that may  boost your mood." you said. "Oh yeah? What might that be?" He asked. "I talked with my lawyer friend, and she managed to get a hold of the assistant mayor of the city and had her go through the traffic cameras where it was said you assaulted that man." you explained. "She played it over, and it showed the man attacking you and your brother first." Sans' eye-sockets widened with hope. "My friend and the assistant mayor contacted the man, and we're putting him through trial with the evidence we have." you said. "He has no way of faking victim out of this one." 

Sans was frozen in shock, then tears began to trail down his cheeks. You gasped lightly, and got up, walking over to him. "Are you okay?" You asked. He got up and through his arms around you. "Thank you." he said, crying into your shoulder. "Thank you so much." You breathed a small chuckle, and hugged him back. 

When he pulled away, you wiped away his tears with your sleeve. "(Y-Y/n)." he said. "Yes, Sans?" You replied. "I-I've got something I wanna tell ya." he said. "Well then, go ahead." you said. 
He took a deep breath before speaking. "I-I really like you." he said. "Like... like you-like you." You raised your brows in surprise, but smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead. "To be quite honest, Sans, I actually like you too." you said. He looked at you, his face turning blue with blush. "R-Really?" He asked. You nodded. He covered his face with his hands to hide his blush, causing you to giggle. "I was so worried you wouldn't feel the same way." he said. You rubbed his back. "We can worry more about this after we get you out of here." you said. "The trial is in three days. Do you think you can last that much longer in here?" He hesitated, but nodded.

During the trial, your friend gave as much as they could to prove Sans' innocence. The man refused to admit his crime of attacking Sans and his brother, and claimed that the evidence we have was edited and fake. The lawyer said that the recording was taken directly from the traffic cameras, and the assistant mayor had helped her find it. The judge claimed Sans as not guilty, and the man who attacked him was guilty, and would be in jail for twenty-five years for assault on innocent civilians, and racist framing. 

Afterwards, you got drove Sans home, and when his brother saw him, the two were overjoyed, and Sans jumped into his brother's arms. You smiled, as the two hugged each other tightly.
You were about to leave them in peace, but then Sans asked if you wanted to stay for lunch. You smiled and accepted. His brother, Papyrus, thanked you over and over for helping Sans get out of prison.
Ever since then, you and Sans dated, and became boyfriend and girlfriend. He began to train to be in the same field as you, to help prisoners become better people after their done with being there. He knew what is was like in there, and he doesn't want anyone to go through what he went through. 
You and him could never be more happier than you were together already.

~Author's Note~

Sorry there wasn't much to this story

I had the idea a while ago, but it kind of died, and I forgot how it was going to end
So, I did with what I could

I hope you enjoyed!

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