Rat! Sans x Reader x Rat! Papyrus

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~A/N~ Sorry if you don't like rats, or if they disgust you

You recently discovered you had two rats living in your home. Most people would block up every hole they find, or call an exterminator, but you loved animals too much to kill them. You decided to let them live in your home, but you wanted to clean them up first. So, you set some traps that would catch them, but not kill them.

You made the traps yourself, and set them in spots that were near the mouse hole you found. They had cashew nuts in them, and they hopefully wouldn't hurt the rats. After setting them up, you waited waited for the rats to come. 

After nearly an hour of waiting, one of the rats came out. It was an albino rat, meaning it was all white. Then, another one came out, and followed lazily behind the first. The second was a bit smaller than the first, so you assumed he was either younger, or he didn't eat as much.

The first rat went up to the trap, and the second one sat beside it. The first one noticed the cashew nut, and began to sniff it. The second one seemed a little cautious, and was trying to get the first one to leave it. But you could see that the two rats looked a little slimmer than normal rats, so they were probably going to try and get the food out of hunger. 

The second on pushed the first one out, and began to reach it and try to pull the cashew nut out. When it didn't come out at first, the second one backed away, for a moment, then when he tried to pull it out again, the first rat came in, and pulled it out, springing the trap and caging them both. The both scurried around in the trap, trying to get out. You covered your mouth, feeling so horrible for having to catch them and scare them like this.

You walked up, picked up the box, and carried it into the kitchen where you had a cage for them. You slid them into the cage, and then quickly shut the door. They started to scurry around the cage in a panicked way. You felt really bad, but you had to make sure they were going to be okay.

You brought them to the vet, and had them checked. Neither of them had rabies, but they were both filthy. So the vets cleaned them up, then gave them back to you and you brought them back home. When you arrived, you put some rat food in the corner of the cage and, and left them be to eat it. After a while, you peeked in the kitchen to see them eating the rat food. 

You fed them for three days, making sure they had a good amount of food to make sure they wouldn't get too hungry later on. Then, when they were a good size, you brought the cage over to the rat hole, and then opened the cage door. They quickly scurried our of the cage and into their safe little hole. You smiled, and then put the cage away.

Over the next two weeks, you kept noticing the rats coming out and looking at you. Whenever you ate, you would leave a small plate of cheese and bread for them near their hole. You would keep your distance, as to not alarm them.

One day, you were eating pizza and watching TV. Then, you noticed the two rats sitting by the TV stand in your peripheral vision. You slowly set the crust of your pizza on the plate, and set it down on the floor a few feet away from you. The rats watched, and then when you sat back up, they slowly, and cautiously crawled out from the safety of the TV stand, and came over to the pizza crust. You smiled, and watched them to make sure they made it back to their hole okay. But after they finished, they didn't run. They stayed by you.

You were very surprised by their actions. Rats never stay too close to humans, due to fear of being squished or killed. But you guessed that your kindness to them over the past two weeks was helping them get to trust you little by little. You smiled, and kept still while they sat by you.

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