Sans x Survivor! Reader

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You lied on the bed in the hospital, waiting for the doctors to bring you new clothes. You were a survivor in a plane crash. You were heading to your old home to visit your family, then the plane malfunctioned and crashed into a river. Every other person drowned, but you broke a window and swam out and up to the surface. You were exhausted, but struggled to stay afloat as some life boats came over quickly. They saw you, and came to rescue you.

The news report claimed you were the only survivor of the crash, but you were in fatal condition from impact, and they feared you wouldn't make it. You knew your boyfriend, Sans, was watching the news from the city you had just left. He loved you very much, and you loved him, too. But he had problem with having hope or faith in others. He always was afraid you would leave him behind for someone else, or that you were just dating him out of pity. But you were there for him every time, and helped him bring his hopes back up, and tell him that you would never leave him.
When you got on that plane you promised that you would come back to him. You said that when you got back, you would wait at the music store near the airport.

You feared that if he saw this report, he would think that you were going to die, or he didn't recognize you on the TV because of the exhaustion from the rescue. You wouldn't be there to comfort him or tell him you were alright.

After several weeks of treatment in the hospital, you were finally set free. You had no money to buy a plane ticket, and your turn around ticket was at the bottom of the river. You used a payphone with some change you found, and called your family, letting them know you were alright. They were glad. You said you couldn't come visit them this time, and needed to get back home. They understood, and wished you luck. With that, you hung up the payphone and started to walk.
You walked for three days, resting very little, and getting water from some fruit stands. You were very hungry and tired, but you didn't want to stop until Sans knew you were safe and okay.

You eventually decided to start hitch-hiking. You caught a few rides to some county lines, but others were full, and couldn't take you. You didn't really mind though. You were getting closer to home with what you had. You tried asking someone if you could use their phone, but several people declined. You must've looked crazy, walking through several cities like this. 

Then, out of nowhere, during your walk, a large van stopped beside you. The driver asked what you were doing, and you said you were going home. He asked you were it was, and you said you lived in a farther north state. He said that he was helping his band crew drive up north, and that he could give you a quick ride closer to your home. You thanked him and hopped in the back. There were several men dressed in yellow, and they all welcomed you, and played their instruments to a song. You saw next to one of the guys playing the oboe, and took some deep breaths.

They drove you all the way up to the state that was just below yours. You thanked them greatly, and promised to repay them someday. They said it was no trouble, and then headed off to where they were going. 
You took some deep breaths, and began to journey fourth to your home.
It took you about a week to get across the state, then you finally made it back home. You made your way to the airport, and found the music store near it. You didn't see Sans anywhere, so you sat inside, waiting. 

You waited several hours, but Sans never came. You knew he was devoid of hope of you coming back, so you had to go to him. 
That night, you headed out and walked through the dimly lit city. You saw Grillby's and you saw Sans in there. You put your hands on your face and started to tear up. You saw he had three bottles of liquor around him, and they were all empty. He was so depressed at the thought of you being gone, that he had started to drink his sorrows away. How must Papyrus feel about this?

You saw no one else was in there except Sans and Grillby. You knew Sans called him up to come here because he needed this. You couldn't confront him when he was like this. If he was drinking heavily, you knew that he would only think he was hallucinating or dreaming. 
You shedded some more tears, and quickly dashed away from Grillby's before they could see you.

The next day, you watched Papyrus help Sans out of the house. You heard him talking about Sans going to watch over Frisk at school to see if it would help him. He shook his head, but decided to go anyways. You felt awful watching your beloved boyfriend live in agony. You so desperately wanted to go up to him and tell him you were alright, but you had to let him see you first.

You arrived to the school, and stood near one of the trees outside. You saw Sans, standing my the window next to Frisk. You stood up, tears streaming down your face as you waited for him to see you.
You saw him lift his head, and slowly turn it towards the window. He looked and saw you standing there. His eyes widened, and he blinked a couple of times, making sure you were real. 
He then booked it out of the room, and the school, and ran around to the tree where you were. "(Y/N)!" He yelled, then threw his arms around you. You felt him cry as he hugged you, and you hugged him back.

"I thought I lost you for good." he choked through the sobs. You started to tear up, as well. "I promised I'd come back to you, Sans." you said, sniffling a little. "I promised I'd never leave you." He hugged you tighter, sobbing into your clothes. 

People watched you and him from the window. Toriel and Frisk were in tears as well. 

Sans settled down after a few minutes, then he kissed you. Even though you were in front of several kids, he didn't care, and neither did you when you kissed back.

When you finally pulled away, he looked at you with teary eyes and said, "I love you." You smiled and replied, "I love you, too." You kissed his head, and held him tight in your arms.

~A/N~ Sorry for how short it is :/

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